searching in leopard with spotlight


Hi, I just noticed that if i search for "address ook" in spotlight it doesn't find me the file "address book". Can I make spotlight search throughout the whole string? Also, was it also like that in tiger?
Hi, I just noticed that if i search for "address ook" in spotlight it doesn't find me the file "address book". Can I make spotlight search throughout the whole string? Also, was it also like that in tiger?
Do you mean like this?


Hi, I just noticed that if i search for "address ook" in spotlight it doesn't find me the file "address book". Can I make spotlight search throughout the whole string? Also, was it also like that in tiger?

I bet you did an "Upgrade" from Tiger, am I right?

To reindex Spotlight is simple. Just launch Terminal (/Applications/Utilities/Terminal) and type: sudo mdutil -E /

This will delete the current Spotlight saved database and cause Spotlight to reindex the drive. The reindex will take a while but will be worth it.
I did that but it still doesn't search for strings in the middle of a file name. typing "address ook" only comes up with html files that contain the phrase ook somewhere
But Spotlight does show the file "Address Book" as a result, when you type "Ad ... " and continues to show it right up until you type the first 'o' in the 'ook' bit ...

Just my observation .. ;)