See how tall you are in iPods!

I'm 19.02 iPods tall. :D

It would be hilarious if that became a universal unit of measurement.
17.56, but it doesn't say what gen the iPod is, cuz a gen 3 15 is much smaller than a gen 2 20.
16.83 iPods that says, bu t i think i'm a bit shorter actually.. and my iPod is 2nd gen.
evildan you look taller ... i'd have guessed you were 18 ipods tall :D ;)

or then maybe i am shorter than i thought..
17.81 here, i think thats what i'll start telling people when they ask my height. Ricky, 19 ipods!, you must be a giant.....
gigapet, you've done something wrong. :) if you set it to metric, you should come out with similar numbers. there is no 'metric' or 'imperial' ipod. it's just ipod.

I'm 17.69 iPods tall.
i am around 17.5 ipods tall :)

i have a friend who is around 20.2 ipods tall...

and i have another really short friend and shes 14.71 ipods tall :) cool :p