Ithink, again I am not trying to flame anyone but those are some very harsh "facts" you put out. Here is my rebutal.
????? How is that a fact? Just because you beleive does not make it a fact, as a child I beleived in Santa but he does not live.
???? How is that a fact seeing how good is a matter of perception?
Fact: All truth is inspired of God.
I would love to hear your basis on that one, that isn't based on blind devotion, because we are talking of facts here.
I'll give you the fourth one, because whether there is a god, buddah or not, we are humans and have flaws and make honest mistakes (and sometimes decietful ones).
Fact: You cannot separate the Constituion from God.
I strongly disagree with that one, the constitution gives equal rights to people not because of god but because the law of the land.
Fact: Those rights do not and cannot come from government, otherwise the King Georges of the world would decide what your rights are. Man cannot be the author of something he does not have the authority to grant or recind.
Uh Congress and the president can recind the constitution, it's called marshal law.
Fact: Something cannot come from nothing. The precision of the world and the complexity of the human body testifies of a supreme creator. We no more came about by chance than OSX did. DNA is a complex blueprint of the human body which reason and logic denotes that there is a highly intelligent Creator involved.
Again that is an opinion, in mine we didn't come from nothing we came from the big bang.
Fact: Just because you haven't seen it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
you are right on that one, but just because you believe doesn't mean it exists either.
The satanic argument is not valid. One can argue that a person has the freedom to worship who they want but that does not legitimize it as a religion. Clearly, the Founding Fathers, common sense, and the spirit of truth dictate that the original intent of religious freedom pertained to the worship of God.
How can you be so brazen to say that, do you know what religion the founding fathers were? Neither do I, you cannot assume they were Christian, especially when a few were rumored to be Illuinati and Free Masons. Saying that satanism isn't a valid religion is like a stanist saying christianity isn't a valid religion, its a conflict of interest. All religions are cults, some just catch on and become accepted. When "Jesus" was arround, christianity was definitly a cult, they were persecuted because of it. Just because your religion is popular doesn't mean it is not a cult. You still have marriage "rituals", funeral "rituals", prayer "rituals"... sounds like a cult to me, but that is not a bad thing, its just not fit for my beliefs.
My point after all this is that your statements are based on facts, they are based on beliefs, and you know what your beliefs maybe right, but until proven they are not facts.
I also just wanted to say to everyone how great this is that we are sharing views on such a hot issue and everyone is being very cool about it.
Sorry for this being so long.