Serious Abobe launch problems


Please can anyone help me?

I am at my wits end trying to sort this problem out.
None of my Adobe programs will boot (with the exception of distiller),
they bounce in the dock about three times and quit.

I have tried nearly all the OSX troubleshooting tips without any success,
I have deleted all adobe apps and application support/preferences and tried a clean photoshop install, still no joy. I have also tried Fontdoctor.

Versions I have are - Photoshop CS, Illustrator CS and Acrobat Pro 6

Here is the crash log any suggestions will be grately received!


I've got the very same problem, only started happening last week. I thought it was something to do with the fact that I recently (finally!) upgraded 10.3 to 10.3.9

Havent been able to find any clues as to how to resolve this.
OK I've fixed it. This sounds really stupid but make sure your system Timezone is set correctly. Mine was set to nearest city (Cardiff, which technically I am closer to), and when I changed it to London, all Adobe apps started working!!
Give it a try
Am also having this problem and have tried everything including checking java as was suggested to me, havent tried the timezone thing-will let you know.

This seems to be happening to a lot of people.
Try deleting your user account and creating a new one.

I had exactly the same problem when trying to get the Adobe software to run on a school B&W G3 running OS X. The program started up fine when the user account was set to "administrator", but wouldn't start up when the user account was set to "student". Naturally I thought that I made the "student" user restrictions a little too strict, but even when I gave the "student" user account full administrative abilitys, the Adobe software still wouldn't start up. Doing a clean re-install of the Adobe software didn't help either. Eventually I tried deleting the entire "student" account and creating a new one. Now the Adobe software starts up every time in both user accounts.

Good luck! :D
I'm real sorry, "bobw" is right. (insert embarressed "smilie" here). One DOES need to back up all the important files, emails, book marks, ect. first.

You might want to play it safe and LEAVE YOUR FIRST ACCOUNT ALONE and create a second "test" account and see if the Adobe software works on that account. If the Adobe software does work on the second account, well, that means something's wrong with your first account (it got corrupted or something) and so you'll have to back everything up and then create a new permanent account.
My Adobe products are now working since changing the timezone so thanks to the original poster for this tip as this problem has been driving me nuts!