server tries to connect



I've had a few issues on my computer for some time now. I bought my MacBook Pro in Feb and have been having a few issues with it. It's a 2.6ghz with 4mgs RAM. I'm running a Belkin Router with Comcast Cable. I've been trying to find the answers on forums and searching through google and I haven't been able to find solutions. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

1) Error Messsage displayed.
After I login to Leopard under my username, I keep getting a "Connection failed, the server may not exist or it is not operational at this time..." message. This started happening when I started file sharing with my old Mac G4. However, I no longer have that computer and I think it is still trying to mount the old computer. I've already deleted everything from the "Recent Servers" folder, is there any other place I need to delete the old information out?

2) Firefox lags.
I've done constant research on this known issue, does Apple have a solution yet? When I first launch Firefox from startup, I get the same error message mentioned above. "Connection failed, the server may not exist or it is not operational at this time..." . It shows me this message at least 3 times and the spinning wheel is displayed. Then a webpage is finally displayed, after this initial launch, Firefox is fine and it behaves normally by displaying webpages immediately.

3) Help lags in any application.
I have a feeling my problems may all be related. When I try to bring up help in any application, I get a spinning wheel and the same message again mentioned above. "Connection failed, the server may not exist or it is not operational at this time...", after 3 attempts, the help information is then displayed.

If anyone knows anything about the problems I'm having, I would greatly appreciate your assistance.

Log into you account on the Mac then go to system Preferences->Accounts. Highlight your account and unlock the pane if it is locked. There go to the tab 'Login Item' and make sure the server is not in the list.

Then go to System Preferences->Network. In the Network System Preference pane use the pull down (at the top) and create a new location with a name of your choosing. Then apply it to get an IP scheme from the router.

Now log into the web page setup for your router (put in the router's IP address in the address bar) and make sure the router is setup DHCP to give an IP to the Mac.

To fix the help application just go to the folder /YourHardDrive/Users/YourUserName/Library/Preferences/ and delete the files & . This should fix that.

Lastly you may want to use the server and set up a FREE account. This will give you much more control of your network side.

One more thing, are you connecting via cable or wireless?

I didn't even see that this was replied to. Thanks for the help, however, I've tried everything and I'm still having the same issues. I'm running cable.
