Pretty much the only thing you can do is do domain "forwarding", where someone types "" and it then forwards them to another domain name, such as (which is a dynamic DNS account that you set up at a place like You can set up "masking" as well, so that the visitor always sees "" in their browser's URL field, instead of "".
Without a static IP address (which you do not have, I'm assuming, because you're using DSL and only the upper-tier DSL plans offer static IP addresses), you cannot do "true" domain hosting, because of the entire internet DNS system that resolves names like "" to their IP addresses.
Look up "domain forwarding" on GoDaddy and go grab yourself a dynamic DNS account somewhere, and you should be good-to-go to host a single website from your server.
I have one set up similarly right now -- is simply forwarded to, which is my dynamic DNS account with I lose the benefit of being able to host more than one website (without some messy folder structure), but it works a charm.