Setting up leopard server for ffmpeg?


I would like to setup a site and run it on my leopard server. It would be a site similar to youtube..... what would i need? People say i need ffmpeg installed on my server...
You already have everything you need:

- Apache web server for serving pages.
- php for dynamic page content
- mySQL for database back-ends
- QTSS for streaming media

Are you familiar with web design and web hosting (so we know exactly how involved this will be)? In other words, have you set up web sites before and just want to know how to do it on Leopard Server, or are you new to the scene and need instructions from square one?
yes i have setup a few sites, and familiar with web design, i have a hosting account with hostgator and cirtexhosting, and i want to tranfer all my domains in my leopard server.... i recently launched a youtube site and people will be uploading videos and it will need to be converted to be viewable on the site. will qtss do that or dont i need to install ffmpeg on my leopard server?
That sounds a little more involved than just putting ffmpeg on your site and going with it... can you do scripting and programming? Unless there's a software package out there that will do the video conversions for you, I think you're looking at some pretty hefty back-end processing and conversion scripts.
yeah i have done some scripting with cgi in the past and recently with php recently.... i understand some php and understand more, the more i work with it... and i actually looking forward in the future to run a site similar to hostgator on my leopard server and do web hosting...