Sexual partners - how many is OK

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  • None

  • 1-5

  • 6-10

  • 11-50

  • 51 and Over

  • It doesn't matter

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virgin here, and my vote is, i really dont care, the past is the past, some people have sex for different reasons than others....

am i saving myself for marriage? no. but i am saving myself for it to be right, im not gonna have sex for sex sake, there has to be love, and thats something that has been lacking in many previous relationships

and for the record, i very well might end up being 30 and being a virgin, or lose it in a couple months, who knows, i dont think age is something to judge on gia ;)
the past is past. every guy i've loved ... i loved them on the moment i loved them (yes i know the translation sucks but i don't even mind to try to translate it correctly. the frase above is more correct). and hey ... for not misinterpreting me: when i was studying + working in UK, i never went out more than twice with any guy. i didn't feel like having sex with anyone i met, nor felt i comfortable asking any of the guys directly "how many times can i go out with you if i don't want to end up in embarassing situations trying to avoid going in bed with you (i am not going to)??"
Originally posted by Ugg
MD have you gotten the response you expected? You said you had something more to reveal, and I for one am honestly looking forward to it. I may not agree with you much but your posts are always thought provoking.
Thanks for the reminder - I had sort of been impressed with the discussion and had forgotten about it.

I was actually just going to state the statistics that people had given for that poll (that I heard on the radio.) From memory: Guys thought girls with less than 10 encounters was OK. Girls thought less than 50 was OK. The numbers kind of caught me off-guard, but the difference between guys and girls' responses was startling to me as well. I didn't even think to include the "Doesn't matter" option.

To understand my reaction, you must understand my worldview (which some of you may have clashed with already :) ) The majority of people I interact with are Christians. Generally, we all have the same belief system. Generally, we all agree with God's law (forgive me if I'm being too forward - just stating my beliefs) that sex should wait until marriage. Sex should be between two people, and only two people.

So that's about it with me. ::love::

I don't agree with a few here myself, but I find this forum to be a nice area to talk to non-Christians openly. It makes me a more well-rounded person.
I like this forum because it is never a matter of "preaching to the choir" well, except on why macs are the best ;)

I'm surprised that the difference is so great, is it because women are more accepting of one's past or are they conditioned to accept it?

I think that Gia's statement about dating and sex is just as important though, that dating = sex. That is just wrong.

Being gay I can tell you there is a lot of pressure to just jump into the sack without even that formality. Life is more than what is between your legs.
i have seen some crappy guides for women - american guides - where there was stated something like "if you are not in bed with the guy after the 3rd date, forget him". it seemed so contrary to my point of view that i was scared.. and i never had the courage to ask any guy i went out with in UK. "how many times can i go out with you before you try anything or simply suppose i'm supposed to **** with you?" that gets to simple contrary statements as well: i don't want anything "more" than just going out: either i never go out with anyone or i go out once or twice with a guy (i'd never do this in italy. instead of being safely not of the property of anyone i'd be just categorized as "one who goes out with everybody" with this tactique, and in most cased the neighbors don't just take care of only their own business). i hate to be in the situation i have to consider whether i am supposed to do something ot not so the simpliest solution... i avoid finding myself in the situations that lead to that consideration. (read: when not in relation i rarely go out with anybody).
This all sounds weird, but if I got go out with someone I'm sure of (meaning that I'm sure I can start a relationship with her if I wanted to), chances are we end up in bed on the end of the night if she's virgin are very big. Not to say almost 99% ... It's just strange, the threshold for sex that woman care about is the same as men. Only I don't care for cheap sex like that, I'll take the long-term relationship please :) With extra fries
Originally posted by Giaguara
...Either he'd be a religious freak of some kind or a fag.

Originally posted by fryke
I don't know many virgins who claim they're gay. So 'fag' would be a strange term to use in this context. ;-)
I've known a gay "virgin" or two, but I've never met a Gay celibate!
Tommy i didn't mean my comment to be anti-fag, sorry. Just finding a guy around his 30s or over, never been with a woman (or a man) and trying to approach me.. ? I just think there's something wrong, like either that guy has to be a religious freak of any kind (and i run away), or he has to be not interested in women at all etc. :rolleyes:
not really true... im waiting until a good loving long term relationship before i lose my virginity, no if's, and's or but's... ive gone out with many women, nothings worked out to that level yet, and its possible that will never happen for me, but that doesnt mean i'm not interested in women...

(but im only 22 so i havent hit your 30 mark yet ;))

and further more... while i'm just sticking to my standards... there are others that are just very very shy, and others that are plain ugly or whatever etc etc, doesnt mean they arent interested, they just can't land a lay ;)
well, supposedly, a lot of high school kids don't think so. Jason, you're a little closer to that age I am, what was it like where you went to school? or was that something that got talked about very much?
Interesting subject...
When I had my first real girlfriend, and thus my real first encounter, I wanted to know EVERYTHING about her past... big mistake. At the moment I think that ignorance is bliss ;) So long as the girl is healthy and she cannot gimme anything bad I am happy.

I think that once your significant other knows your sexual history, it is always the case that you had "one to many". I safelly assume that if she has dated 10 people that she probably was active with at least 6.
Originally posted by Giaguara
Hey hey ... being in America: "Does oral sex count?" :D

maybe we should ask the Clintons. :D

i'm guessing Bill and Hillary would have different answers. :p