Sharing files Vista and Mac


Hi everyone,

I want to be able to share some files in a network between a PC with Vista Home Premium and a Mac Leopard X 10.5, how can I do that? Anyone know of a good guide for doing that?

In vista, share a folder or drive (i think its just a case or right clicking and lookign for the sharing options), make sure smb is enabled.

From the Mac, hit apple-K, ad enter smb://x.x.x.x where the x.x.x.x is the IP of the Vista machine. You can find this on vista by hitting windows-r , type cmd and hit return, the type ipconfig and hit return.

That's the quick version, I can probably give more detail later once my Vista machine is online. In general I found it easier to connect mac--PC than PC-->mac but both do work.
hmmm. Interesting, as of now I'm only able to view the files that I shared, but I can't change them. I would like to do this without giving permission to everyone :\

I see there is this option to allow certain users to modify the file, would this user be my mac username or the windows user account I log into when I'm accessing it from my mac. I'm a bit confused here.


Nm.. got it working it was my username under my windows account I had to give permission
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Strange, I get this IUSR_NMPR user account out of nowhere, and it is the account used to login my MAC machine through the network. It also has the same password of my user account. Can I change it to an easier name to remember?
