Shift key madness

I did search on this, didn't find anything. Maybe this is too simple a problem.

My keyboard (and, in fairness, many before this Apple) never seems to want to register the upper case letter when I hold down the shift key. I need to exert what seems to be excessive pressure (maybe my touch is too light) to get an upper case letter. Makes me crazy when I am entering text and have to go back and redo the captials with great force on the shift key. I've had the problem on most past keyboards, but this Apple keyboard (about a month old) is the worst yet, strange considering the excellence of the Apple hardware otherwise.

Am I alone in this? Maybe I should be happy that this currently seems to be my biggest headache with my new Mac, but it is infuriating. Isn't there a hardware setting to make the shift key more sensitive to the touch? Is there a software setting someplace?

Thanks for the reply.

I'm not about to try anything that "might" work with the Mac, at least not for $170+ - but the last one sounds interesting, and only $23 or so - I assume it works with any computer including the Mac - when I return from my vacation I'll have to investigate it further,


what about the command key? Isn't that unique to the Mac? The description doesn't mention Mac and the photos aren't too clear.

Even with the driver problem, does the projected one include a command key? That is sort of, essential?

No, a command key is only useful if you want keyboard shortcuts. If you want, you can go to the Keyboard control panel (I think; it has been months since I looked) and remap it so the Control key or something is used for Command. Control is hardly used for any native software for Mac, anyway.

However, I think that suggestion is at least partly tongue-in-cheek. You could probably get a more conventional keyboard for much less, maybe an ergonomic keyboard or a clicky keyboard with Alps switches, depending on your reason for not getting Shift.

Before getting a new keyboard, though, you should try the same keyboard on another computer, or get someone else to try the keyboard, to see if the keyboard is defective, or whether it's some strange habit of yours.

Also, that roll-up keyboard isn't really that nice. I have one, and it's sometimes a chore to type on, and it degrades too quickly under heavy use.
I did search on this, didn't find anything. Maybe this is too simple a problem.

Am I alone in this? Maybe I should be happy that this currently seems to be my biggest headache with my new Mac, but it is infuriating. Isn't there a hardware setting to make the shift key more sensitive to the touch? Is there a software setting someplace?


Find a computer shop (pc or mac) and try some keyboards overthere. If they provide the same problem, it is cause by the way you type. If no problems arise, it is either the layout of the keyboard causing the problem or the keyboard itself.

If you have experienced this problem before (with other keyboards), I expect it will be caused by the way you type.

I have had numeral keyboards and have not experience this problem before (unless the keyboard was bad).

Good luck, Kees
I am guessing it's the way I type, seems like I need to really "bang" down on the shift key, I find it hard to believe I need to do that especially since I type with only two fingers ("hunt & peck") and so I do tend to bang down. Have had this with every keyboard I've ever used, guess it's me, but I am not happy with the resolution to this. Hard to believe I am the only one with this problem (and I don't remember ever having had the problem back in the days of "real" typewriters).
Maybe it's your timing, and not the pressure at all.
Keep in mind that the shift key needs to be held during the typing of the following character.
The older mechanical action on a typewriter would give you instant feedback that the key was not held down completely. A computer keyboard, even one with mechanical switches, would not provide that same physical/optical feedback. And, mentioning keyswitches - have you ever tried one of the better mechanical computer keyboards? Look for one with cherry switches.
The old Apple Extended keyboard is well remembered for being one that 'types' very well, with a very good touch.

Maybe a few minutes a day with a typing program would help to 'retrain' your shift finger.
Here's one example of a typing app -