There are many references on the web showing the use of the command:
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles -boolean true ; killall Finder
However on my computer none of them work. Has something changed in the OS so that the above no longer works? TinkerTool does work so it can be done. But I am looking for a simple app or script that does this one function. Any ideas? So far File Reveal, Hidden File, HideSwitch, invisbiX, and Revealer do not work.
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles -boolean true ; killall Finder
However on my computer none of them work. Has something changed in the OS so that the above no longer works? TinkerTool does work so it can be done. But I am looking for a simple app or script that does this one function. Any ideas? So far File Reveal, Hidden File, HideSwitch, invisbiX, and Revealer do not work.