Brrrrrr...Originally posted by kenny
Everyone seems to post beauty shots in these kinds of threads, but I thought I do a little different... I drove 8 hours yesterday into the Pittsburgh, PA area, where there's been snow, and slagged/salted roads, and it's made my little car very very dirty.
It's an '02 Subaru WRX wagon, and I just took this shot out the window of my hotel room, cropped and fixed contrast with my ibook before sending it up (I love my Mac )
Anyway, without futher ado, I present dirtyscoob.jpg...
ops! i didn't think this thread posted at first, and i completely forgot about it.
lol here's that luxury subaru i promised
Attachment: subie1.jpg
This has been downloaded 6 time(s).
Originally posted by TommyWillB
That's like looking at a sad little kitten stuck outdoors...
Originally posted by ChoMomma
On the left behind the driver is my white apple sticker and on the right behind the passenger is my white lettering 'WarDriver'
Originally posted by boi
2001 gti 1.8T