Shifting re-align Jan 14, 2003 #42 Aapuru! :lol: should've figured that one out...obvious around here. well, two of three ain't bad. er, of four i guess. i knew the A and Ru. reading katakana is one thing i'm bad at. hiragana is easy though....for example, Jason's sig says: watashi wa kirei desu nee er, that's not totally right, but i can't seem to type out the line that should be over the E in "ne". of course, i have no clue what that"i am...." something.
Aapuru! :lol: should've figured that one out...obvious around here. well, two of three ain't bad. er, of four i guess. i knew the A and Ru. reading katakana is one thing i'm bad at. hiragana is easy though....for example, Jason's sig says: watashi wa kirei desu nee er, that's not totally right, but i can't seem to type out the line that should be over the E in "ne". of course, i have no clue what that"i am...." something.
Giaguara Chmod 760 Staff member Mod Jan 14, 2003 #43 Hey i think we need a "learn Japanese" - thread here... i want to learn more!
Shifting re-align Jan 14, 2003 #44 yes that would be good. wish i'd paid more attention in high school.
PCSMASHER Registered Apr 7, 2003 #45 damn... i have been under a rock... ok... heres the tatts and a new one that i will be gettin on my back soon Attachments thumps-tatt.jpg 82.4 KB · Views: 11
damn... i have been under a rock... ok... heres the tatts and a new one that i will be gettin on my back soon
PCSMASHER Registered Apr 7, 2003 #46 grrrrrrrrr..... i didnt load the other... this will be the newest addition on my back... the 3 symbols from left to right are..... strength, the year of the rabbit, and power Attachments back tatt.jpg 20.5 KB · Views: 12
grrrrrrrrr..... i didnt load the other... this will be the newest addition on my back... the 3 symbols from left to right are..... strength, the year of the rabbit, and power