Shutdown problems!!!!


When I shut my OSX 10.3.5 it will not shut down properly, a blue screen appears with the power button logo in the middle with the message (in multiple languages) "please restart your mac holding down the power button".

This is very annoying as I cannot scheduale a shut down now.... pleae help if you know a way of fixing this WITHOUT reinstalling OS.

Welcome to the forum, iron-lung.
Let's start with repairing permissions first. Boot into your panther DVD and use the Disk Utility to repair the permissions of your current volume. Do it as long as no errors are reported.
Just to clear it up, do it repeatedly until there are no errors reported. Sorry, but my first read through I got stuck on "as long as", to me meaning if there are none reported then go ahead and do it. Just wanted to help.
Disk Utility's Repair Permissions only needs to be run once -- it will find and fix all permissions errors that are fixable on the first pass. If you run it a second time, it will not find any new permissions to repair (and will ALWAYS report the "we are using special permissions for blah/blah/iso9660" message whether your permissions are correct or not: it's safe to ignore that message).

A Disk Repair, on the other hand, should be run a minimum of twice if it reports errors the first time around. This is because when fixing a disk error, the fixing process could uncover other problems not visible to the system before the repair.
Ok people, I have reinstalled OSX twice now and I am still getting this problem where my mac puts itself into some half shut down / half sleep mode. Will the disk utilty still help me rectify this issue??? Or can anybody suggest another alternative.. Also I unfortunately lost some important data when i reinstalled (because I thought only an alias was placed in the shortcuts, pictures, documents etcd etc, when you open your HD) is there a RESTORE program which will help me get any of this data back????

Please help this is becomming very annoying.....!!!!
If you reinstalled with a format, new install, and not an Archive and install, your files are gone. There is no restore.

If you have added memory, take that out. Bad memory can cause this problem. Take out any PCI cards you've installed. You didn't mention what machine you have.

Disconnect any devices attacthed, other than keyboard, mouse and monitor. See what happens.

And, update to 10.3.8.
Nice1 BobW...

I have a G4 1.25Ghz with 512meg standard RAM which came with machine. I have done 2 fresh installs of OSX 10.3 but have manually archieved my apps and then copied back... I guess I am answering my own question... I have a dodgy app i guess. DOnt think its a hardware issue. Any other ideas for restoring !!! to get back lost data