A friend just came over with his MBP. I have this same question. He can see all his photos in Photos. Or at least he thinks all his photos are there. He said he connects his camera or iPhone to the computer and imports them. He was trying out iCloud. He's almost full with the 5gb. He wants to know that if he turns off the iCloud photos, are his photos still on his computer? I know, it seems like a stupid question, but I can't find anything that explains this yes or no. Lots of answers where the answer assumes you are using iCloud for your phone, etc., but we are trying to "just simply" figure this out. I believe that since he imported all the photos first to the computer, then used the icloud, that if he so desires, he can just stop using the iCloud (which is what he wants to do. He doesn't want to pay for the Cloud. And I have convinced him to at least use the TM because he wasn't). BUT.... this is the caveat: and correct me if I'm wrong - IF he first saved the photos to the iCloud and he didn't save them to the computer, he has to sign into iCloud.com and make sure to import that photo to computer by downloading it. Otherwise it never made it to the computer. Am I correct? Sort of? Yes? No? Thanks in advance.