Site BUGS Thread:

I've gotten that too... it seems to happen mostly when I try to get to results I had before, if I save the URL for a set of results and try to get them again.
Racer - oh, wait. the hit buttons .. i think the time i tried smiles and they did not want to co operate with me i was in safari on 10.3. :-/
ok, avatar size and turned off features are not bugs. wrong thread guys.

but as for the forum jump, scott must have turned it off during the incredibly high volume days we've been having recently. believe it or not, that little bar is somewhat resource intensive and the heavy load had things running very slowly so we slimmed things down. the 'technical difficulties' and down time of weds., which were a server hardware issue, may have been a bigger contribution as the server began to fail. i suspect forum jump should be back soon.

but please, (and that includes me from now on :D ), let's post bugs in this thread and issues with provided features in other threads. scott doesn't need to have to run all over the site tracking bugs down nor sift thru the garbage to find the real bug reports. :)
Sorry, scott closed the avatars thread immediately after fixing the problem (but before any of us had verified that we were no longer having problems...)
Ripcord said:
Sorry, scott closed the avatars thread immediately after fixing the problem (but before any of us had verified that we were no longer having problems...)

I didn't close any thread.
Sorry again - maybe I'm crazy, but the thread looks closed so apparently SOMEone closed it (I'm guessing?). Sorry Scott
you should say "looked' closed as it was. i have already reopened it. probably closed by mistake as only scott or i should be the ones closing threads in this forum.
Is there anything you can do about the weird text area graphic glitches Netscape is having? If you've forgotten, the QR box doesn't wrap text and the Reply page doesn't show the vB tools or the outline of the textarea.
I've been surfing the site from a peecee at work and things have been fine. But this last time, when I went to the main screen before hitting new threads, the screen really exploded on me, I had to scroll a couple of times to get everything in it.
Now when I hit show new threads, everything went back to "normal" and fit in the screen just fine.
I'm sorry if this is already reported, I didn't read every post.

Two things
The banner ad on the right fouls up my interface, covering the vertical scroll bar and even the google window on safari.

Since the recent down time the site doesn't keep track of threads with my post in them, or ones that I have been reading all along (the envelope stays closed they don't show the spot.)
pds said:
I'm sorry if this is already reported, I didn't read every post.
I haven't seen either of these two problems mentioned yet, so you're good to go.

pds said:
The banner ad on the right fouls up my interface, covering the vertical scroll bar and even the google window on safari.
That's really weird... might be a problem with positioning.

pds said:
Since the recent down time the site doesn't keep track of threads with my post in them, or ones that I have been reading all along (the envelope stays closed they don't show the spot.)
How so? What are you referring to? The new threads results don't have the same functionality that they did in the last version of vB, they don't show new posts at the top of the page when you refresh it, etc. Is this what you're talking about?

Also check your preferences and see how your subscriptions are set.
The banner problem occurs when I start to scroll down a thread before it is completely loaded. Happens every time. The blue field from the $$$$ ad becomes part of my safari frame, covers the scroll bar until I start to scroll again and runs right to the top of the safari window.

No biggie, just annoying.

The icons to show which posts I have visited are not consistent. Some show open envelopes others don't. Same with threads I have posted to. Some have the black dot, others don't.
the feature to show which threads you've subscribed to has been turned off for now. this isn't a bug. with the recent server loads and technical problems, a decision was made between the contributing members and myself to turn off some of the small, search intensive features and see if performance got any better. you can always use your user cp to see which subscriptions are active.
Seems the google ad has learned it's place. Thanks to whoever fixed it.

About bandwidth. The email to advise about new posts says that no further notification will be sent until I visit the board, but sometimes I get five or six notifications about the same thread without visiting. (This happens especially in the word association thread that gets hit a lot in a short time.)
You will get a notification to a thread you post on, any time there is a new post. You can turn off notifications in your Control panel.
i know it can be turned off, I want some notifications, but the automatic subscription is new to vb3 (I think) and it is kind of a pain.

The other thing is that I get repeated notifications on the same thread even though I don't visit the board. That seems to be a bug, since the note says I won't get any more until I visit.