Well, I'm late to this discussion, but I won't let that stop me.
As far as the 'to scroll or not to scroll, I have to side with BuddaBob. Think of a webpage as a magazine spread - do you want your viewer to look at only half of it and have to turn the page at some random point to see the rest? Of course not. It totally blows the integrity of the design. Sometimes I have to because clients insist, but I always recommend against it. And, if the page isn't in frames, you lose the navigation when you scroll down.
It would be nice to have some user feedback when mousing over the navigation too - since they don't look like square-box-insert-title-here navigation, it may take your users a while to find it. Maybe make them darken or lighten a bit when you mouse over.
Also, in your gallery, the bottom bar (with the copyright) isn't centered properly (I think anyway). Probably just needs to be moved over one column (I haven't checked the code though).