Site Preview...

I've updated the preview website, so go refresh it and tell me what you think. Also: now all of the links work with the exceptions of gallery pictures and the Theory section.

lookin good trip!

i mean the site ;)

one little thing, would it be too difficult (or for that matter would it look good still) if there was a slight rollover transition on your links on the left? just to make them stand out a bit more when you go from link to link... just a thought :) i love your work though, cant wait to see the whole gallery :D
btw macluv

im not saying users WONT scroll, im saying they DONT WANT TO scroll hehe

which im assuming was the point of pointing me out to that god awful ugly article talking about design ;)

1997 though, what can ya say, the web was young and ugly back then ;)
i was thinking just a slight slight effect on the lettering of the ticket, nothing gaudy, but just something to tell you that you are on a link etc ya know? nothing that blows the user away, but just something that says "hi, im a link and you just rolled over me" ;) (i like subtlety)

just a thought though :)

macluv, ah i see, yeah its amazing how ugly everything was, have you ever used the internet way back machine? its cool, cause it archives pages from forever ago, and some of them are just laughable lol

I keep getting "connection was refused"... not happening to the other websites I visited... just yours... why why why why....

W H Y .....
plastic: are you clicking on the links or typing them in manually? Spelling is key if you're typing them in. Other than that...I really don't know what the problem could be. I havn't "banned" anyone. :)

What is that thing you are using to charge your iBook?

***Never mind... I googled " Piaggio X9 " and I found it.. Cool Scooter:) ***

Off topic sorry ;) just caught it in your sig. ;)
Well, I'm late to this discussion, but I won't let that stop me.

As far as the 'to scroll or not to scroll, I have to side with BuddaBob. Think of a webpage as a magazine spread - do you want your viewer to look at only half of it and have to turn the page at some random point to see the rest? Of course not. It totally blows the integrity of the design. Sometimes I have to because clients insist, but I always recommend against it. And, if the page isn't in frames, you lose the navigation when you scroll down.

It would be nice to have some user feedback when mousing over the navigation too - since they don't look like square-box-insert-title-here navigation, it may take your users a while to find it. Maybe make them darken or lighten a bit when you mouse over.

Also, in your gallery, the bottom bar (with the copyright) isn't centered properly (I think anyway). Probably just needs to be moved over one column (I haven't checked the code though).
Originally posted by Da_iMac_Daddy
Your popcorn looks like crumpled up peices of construction paper.....

And 1 out of 10 people agree that if you catch them at just the right angle the do look like crumpled up peices of construction paper. I don't have a camera/scanner so i improvised and searched google for crumbled paper, colored it yellow-ish and voola! :D Pretty nifty, eh? :)