.sitx files and disk images


Hi folks, new to macs (and the forum too, obviously). I'm having a couple of problems (that are more than likely related), both pertaining to the installation of programs.
The first is that i am unable to open files with the extension .sitx. I searched the forums and found someone else had the same problem. The advice was to download the latest version of stuffit, which i did. Problem is, the stuffit download was a .sitx file, so i can't open it either!
The second problem is that i can't open .dmg files. For instance, i downloaded Firefox and i can't open it because i get an error message saying that disc copy is unable to verify the file.

Any help on these would be greatly appreciated. I am also having a problem with quicktime (it is freezing almost immediately after opening), but that is less urgent.

What version of OS X are you running? You say the error message said "Disk Copy" could not verify the image. This leads me to believe that you're using 10.2 (AKA Jaguar) at the latest, since in newer versions of OS X, it's called "Disk Utility" instead.

If I'm wrong and you're running 10.3 (Panther) or 10.4 (Tiger), you can download StuffIt Expander to handle your sitx files here: http://www.stuffit.com/downloads/files/StuffItExpander10.dmg. If you're using 10.3 or earlier, StuffIt Expander should come preinstalled. Take a look through your /Applications and /Applications/Utilities folders.

If Disk Copy can't verify a DMG, that most likely means that it's corrupt. Have you tried re-downloading it? You could also try loading Disk Copy, going into its preferences, and disabling the verification, but that obviously won't help if the file is corrupt. It's also possible that the dmg is simply not compatible with older versions of OS X. Firefox claims to work on 10.2 or higher.
Hi mate, i am using 10.1.5. I tried the disable verification thing and it worked, but created new problems. Firefox quit immediately after opening.
I downloaded a .dmg version of stuffit, opened disc copy and moved it to applications, it copied all the files but when i try to use it nothing happens.

Very frustrating. Thanks for the advice.
Just checked out the stuffit readme and the version i have is only compatible with Tiger. I will try and get an older version.
There is all most no software the will run under 10.1.x. That's what is going on you need to find a copy of 10.2.x or 10.3.x or even 10.4.x. that is if you mac can hang with any OS higher then 10.2. I know that all G3's will do 10.2 but only some will do 10.3 and as far as I know only G3 iMac of 500 or 600 Mhz and up will run 10.4. With out having to use Xpostfacto on it.
oh ok, cheers mate. I have actually been fishing around for where i can get Panther from. I think my comp can run that (but not Tiger). I have an emac g4 700mhz. The hard disc is 40 gigs and the ram is 384, if that matters.
Yes, your eMac will install and run Tiger OK, but I would recommend upgrading your memory. Here's a support page with more info.
If your eMac cannot read DVDs (some eMacs came with only a CD-ROM), you can obtain a CD replacement set for Tiger.
You will be OK with the memory you have, but the system will be more stable with more memory.
According to FireFox system requirements, that requires at least 10.2.x to run.
hi. i have OS X version 10.5.7 I tried downloading Microsoft Media Player but it's a .sitx file and I can't seem to open it. I tried to find out what's wrong online and websites have recommended two things. One that I shouldn't download WMP but Flip4Mac instead, and two to download stuffit. Should I do both these things or is there something preprogrammed on my laptop? Also WMP or F4M?
The old media player download that's a .sitx - won't do you any good at all, the player is just too old.
Download and install the Flip4Mac software. That will help you with what you want to do.