small preview icon... where is it?

Hi, I've just got a new iMacG5 (very happy..! btw :D ), and transfer loads of info from my old iMac G3.
To my surprise, most of the image small-preview-icons, which are so useful for recognition, are gone, or almost gone. Instead the icons show an standard and horrible icon, the same fo every picture, saying that the file is a .jpeg type of file... and below the name you once gave it.

I wonder if there's a way to change this preview to just a very small picture fo the same LARGE picture.

It's a Finder preference you'll find by hitting Cmd-J (Apple-j). It's set for each folder (so: also for the Desktop).
Didn't try b4 the ShowviewOptions, stupid of mine not to guess that the desktop behavior could be as any other window... sorry.

Thanks fryke..!,
If you use this nice little *freeware* app, you can actually make the custom icons permanent :

Fernando I will suggest an alternative to the Ffinder's icon generation. If you select to "generate icon preview" what the Finder does it look at the contents of the image file and create a custom picture to put on the icon. It is, however, lost when you reboot since the icons are not actually written on the file but are stored in RAM. This, of course, means that if you had a folder with lots of images, it takes a bit of time to render all the icons. And since the icons are stored in ram and not the disk, it uses lots of unecessary RAM.
Thanks Michael.

I'll try to figure out how does it works. I see your point on filling up the ram with unecessary stuff.
But is that the same it happens with the small preview icons in iPhoto..? (this program is making me crazzy, sine I fear I have stored same images twice or more. When you copy to pictures to the HD from a CD and then import those to iPhoto... is then twice in your system..?
When you download the camera with the Nikon Software, and then try to view them in iPhoto, fear that the same happens... my computer is a mess now with this double pictures, all those Replicants...
Unless you have a LOT of photos, I wouldn't worry too much about having doubles. Photos, compared to hard drive space, are small.

iPhoto's preview icons are stored in RAM but that makes sense, it's a program you quit, the Finder isn't. And the amount of extra space you take up adding a custom icon t a file is very, very small.

As for doubling your imports, yes I think copying a CD to the hard disk and then importing them will double your photos, since you'll have one copy wherever the CD is and one copy in the iPhooho Library.

To avoid this in the future, just open iPhoto and then drag the CD from the Finder into the iPhoto Library, or any custom album.
You're welcome :)

By the way, I may have been wrong about iPhoto's icons, I think they are actually made and stored in an index file, but that doesn't make much difference...
iPhoto thumbnails are stored in seperate folders to the actual large images but are subfolders of the same import folder (as photos are organised by import date on your HD by iPhoto)

To find them go to Home/Pictures/iPhoto Library then look inside the numbered photos for the thumbnails and actual photos.