So how many of you have switched?

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Originally posted by networkguy
Do you suspect a QS2002 will run OS X well? With all the bells and whistles?


If you add at least 256MB more and if you change your graphics to anything above the included MX card, 1000% yes! ;)

To be more exact, everything will work more than fine with your current system but with those 2 additions you will get a major boost when multitasking the system plus when you "feel" the OS with clicking, minimizing, resizing, etc.

In order to Vroom, Vroom, Vrooooom, your Mac needs more Ram, Ram, Raaaaam :D
I'm a multi-switcher.
I started on my stepfathers Apple II around 1980.

He (therefore I) switched from the Apple II to a Packard-Bell pentium 60 around 93.

Bought a Compaq p120 around 96.

Bought a Dell p450 in 99 (couldn't afford the extra $900 for an Apple).

Ran 98se and RH 7.

Bought a B&W G3 (used) in 01.

Changed to OS X in 02, uninstalled RH 7 a few months later.

Still have the Dell (now running XP). I only use it to play games. My B&W is used for everything else.

Add another switcher: My wife finally switched to the Mac. She refused to use the Mac for about a year, until the PC started to die (Win 98 was such a POS). So, I made her use OS X. Well, after about 30 minutes of using OS X, my wife told me that she would never use the PC again. And, she hasn't. She actually makes me use the PC so that she can hog the Mac. Looks like it is time for a second Mac.
I use both at home and at work. We do support at work for both and I decided to buy my first one for home in November. I would do a switch but I have to keep the roomies happy and there are 3-4 apps that I haven't found OS X replacements for yet or the ones I have seen aren't worth.
Started working on Mac on an Apple IIgs my dad bought for his practice. I was 2 years old then. playing games on making music, drawing the star by following the lines and such. All in all I had loads of fun when I was little. Then I worked on a Classic, a Macintosh IIx, then on an LC, then I got my very first Mac: a Powerbook DUO 280c, my dad bought an LC 630 then. Then for a while we didn't buy anything new. I got a 5300ce as a replacement for my DUO 280 when it got lost in transportation when I had it repaired. Then I bought an iMac rev a as soon as it got out :-)

My dad bought a G4/450 some time afterwards, so did I. I bought a Powerbook Ti some time ago, and bought a Powerbook G3 for a stupifiying low price from a friend :-)

I never switched, but I switched all of my best friends (7 former PC users), my girlfriend and various other people (about 10 others or so) so I think I did my job right ;)

Yep; switched at home to the imac, and will never look back; although have to use my Sparc as well as Xp at the office. Maybe we need a "take your mac to work" day?
I switched from Mac to PC last November.

There were those things about Apple with the .mac acounts and the full paying for Mac OS X 10.2 that really pissed me off (Altough I got 10.2 for free cause I am in ADC).

But the worsed thing is the pricing for Macs: I just couldn't justify to myself to buy a Mac for almost twice the price for getting a decent PC just to get the better OS.

The gap between Mac OS and Windows isn't quite as much as it used to be since XP, in my opinion.

So I am using a PC for almost 5 months as my main working machine (Still got my old Mac, but didn't used it for quite a while).
There were some times when I hated this PC and regretted the switch. But using OS X, there were also several times I cursed this system (that's why I even thought about switching).

Now, looking back, I am quite happy with my PC. It runs really well, never crashes when I am working on it. Windows XP is not that bad, there are quite a few things I really love about it.

But I keep watching the Mac side, maybe the end of the year Apple has some hardware that makes me switch again, we will see...
I've switched on march 12 2001... I like my Mac but I can't help feel a little Windows like look and feel on this OS X... I hope be wrong...
i had to get rid of my pc in the move... otherwise i would still use both, i like both platforms :)