Software base station & bridging?


I've seen plenty of people talking about using gNat to do a software base station with NAT. In my case I have multiple IPs for my DSL service, so I want my spare IPs to be bridged onto my wireless network so that a machine can connect via cable or wireless, DHCP one of the available IPs from my server, and just work.

Is this possible? Do I need some tool to do the bridging, or does Mac OS X already have something that can do this? How do I set up the AirPort Network Preferences on the machine that will act as the bridge? I think the hardware base station can do this, but I'd like to save a few hundred $'s and do it with the hardware I already have if possible.

Thanks in advance. - Will
Is there any reason you need to use the IP's from your ISP? If IP doesn't matter and you just want to make internet services available on your wireless network then I have to say, yes, this is possible using gNAT.

I have a wireless network at home, I will create a working configuration at home and pass the settings along, if you are still requiring info. send email to if you would like setup instructions.
