I've seen plenty of people talking about using gNat to do a software base station with NAT. In my case I have multiple IPs for my DSL service, so I want my spare IPs to be bridged onto my wireless network so that a machine can connect via cable or wireless, DHCP one of the available IPs from my server, and just work.
Is this possible? Do I need some tool to do the bridging, or does Mac OS X already have something that can do this? How do I set up the AirPort Network Preferences on the machine that will act as the bridge? I think the hardware base station can do this, but I'd like to save a few hundred $'s and do it with the hardware I already have if possible.
Thanks in advance. - Will
Is this possible? Do I need some tool to do the bridging, or does Mac OS X already have something that can do this? How do I set up the AirPort Network Preferences on the machine that will act as the bridge? I think the hardware base station can do this, but I'd like to save a few hundred $'s and do it with the hardware I already have if possible.
Thanks in advance. - Will