software registry entries

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i have a demo app (waves platinum 4 audio pluggins specifically) which ran on a 10day trial version.
the thing's i uninstalled the demo and now i want to reinstall it but the app says my trial time has run out. So i assume the app let some log file or registry entriy (i don't know whether OSX actually has some kind of system registry like WINDOWS for instance) that tells the installer the app has already timed out in my machine.
So, any idea what could this be or whether theres a folder contaning apps entries or something?
There's probably an <your app>.plist file in your user preferneces folder. Deleting this might get you to install demo again, or it might not. There's several possible places for app user files to be kept. You may be forced (as the software publisher probably wants) to purchase the actual software, or sometimes paying for a license will allow you to 'unlock' your demo. Lots of demos have only limited life. If you want to reinstall it, maybe you're ready to pay for it. :)
Yeah. Probably a preference file. I must admit, I've trashed preference files in the past to use time limited demos over and over..... *slaps own hand* bad Adam!

btw, there is no "registry" on your Mac. If you have an app, then it's there, and you can use it. If you get rid of it, the registry won't come back to haunt you later.

Which is a big problem, in my book. I had to experience the evil registry first-hand.... *shudder* The thing wouldn't let me reinstall software because it was "already installed."

Bad Windows, bad!
There are a few folders in specific to look at:

- The /Library/Preferences folder on your hard disk.
- The ~/Library/Preferences folder inside your user home directory.
- The /Library/Application Support folders might contain a folder for the app you are trialling.

Best of luck. I hope you get to try out the app *properly* this time and work out whether it does what you want. ;-)
But I'd take a look in the license agreement and see if what you're doing is legal first ;)
actually i don´t give a **** what the license says, cause in the first place they are installing hidden files or making unsupported entries somewhere in my sysem, which are not stated in the license agreement either, so basically they didn´t ask for my a acceptanse on that little issues :) (same goes for the PASE Interlok piracy soft). Who authorized Waves to install this third party soft, engine and extensions in my System???? not me that i recall (and for what i´m concerned im the ADMIN). The waves license agreement gives a detailed fake list of items and extension that the installer puts in the system (ommiting the PACE)
On the other hand, all i did was remove the damn soft before the 14day expired and suddenly when i reinstalled the app started taking me days left exopnentialy!!!!!!! (basically i actually had the demo for 3 days instead of 14)
oh, and last........ who the f!!!!! asked you to post a reply that has nothing to do with my post question??????? i mean, it´s not ok to just post spam (that is an obvious stupid answer like yours)
what i asked was whether MACOX has some kind of registry where apps make entries not whether it was legal or not to reinstalled still-valid demos!!!! and if i wanted to ask how to hack the app (which i didn´t ) i wouldn´t ask at
thank you for your concern
Originally posted by saldavm
oh, and last........ who the f!!!!! asked you to post a reply that has nothing to do with my post question??????? i mean, it´s not ok to just post spam (that is an obvious stupid answer like yours)

Excuse me, but who asked you to comment my posts?

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