Software Update will not start


Every time I hit "Start Service" to start the Software Update Service in the Server Admin, I get this in the console:

Jan 25 17:04:12 EaseServer SystemStarter[282]: Could not create IPC bootstrap port:

Any clues?

This is on a freshly installed Quad G5, 1.5G ram, 10.4.4. I have DNS, DHCP, and Open Directory running as a master. Nothing else is turned on yet.

(Note that AFP is not on yet -- no particular reason ... could that be part of the problem?)
Yes, I tried that. I just hit the Start for AFP. It started. I didn't configure anything. The Update Server still isn't happy.

I just installed the whole thing and was walking through the initial set up. I'm going to start back over from scratch. I'm thinking -- maybe -- that I need to start the service before I select which images to serve. Its a long shot...
Give Software Update some time. What its doing in the background is checking its cache files against the Apple software updates available. It may crash a few times, I've seen, but usually it kicks in with a plethora of downloads. View the activity on your server. Check your active processes using top or ps -aux. Also take a look at network traffic.

It may actually be attempting to grab 80 some odd packages at once.

For various reasons, I started back over on my install. When I got to the point of starting the software update, I just clicked on it in Server Admin. The little black wheel thing started spinning. I noticed my T1 going full tilt and then saw a process getting 4% of the cpu time so I just went to bed and left it running. It eventually finished and all is happy now.
pedz said:

For various reasons, I started back over on my install. When I got to the point of starting the software update, I just clicked on it in Server Admin. The little black wheel thing started spinning. I noticed my T1 going full tilt and then saw a process getting 4% of the cpu time so I just went to bed and left it running. It eventually finished and all is happy now.

Cool. I've seen that happen a few times on my own server deployments, so its not completely unusual, though slightly disheartening and unnerving. AFP is really unrelated to this service, you publish this out using MCX settings in Open Directory.

Glad to hear your up and running though! :)
Go3iverson said:
Cool. I've seen that happen a few times on my own server deployments, so its not completely unusual, though slightly disheartening and unnerving. AFP is really unrelated to this service, you publish this out using MCX settings in Open Directory.

Glad to hear your up and running though! :)

There's also a command-line tweak to get an unmanaged Mac to use a Software Update Server process. My application, Mac HelpMate, has a GUI for making this quite the easy task!
sourcehound said:
There's also a command-line tweak to get an unmanaged Mac to use a Software Update Server process. My application, Mac HelpMate, has a GUI for making this quite the easy task!

Sure, but his issue was the initial installation of the Software Update Server service, when the service tends to wildly download everything it can find. More times than not, the service will report errors and incorrectly display errors. The service is actually just blinding itself with data.

Go3iverson said:
Sure, but his issue was the initial installation of the Software Update Server service, when the service tends to wildly download everything it can find. More times than not, the service will report errors and incorrectly display errors. The service is actually just blinding itself with data.


Blinded by data...I really like that! You're a poet, as well as a Mac guru. Nice! I can just visualize swupd's windshield wipers swishing off the bits from

Yeah, the Software Update Server really needs better user feedback....
Im getting that same error about the IPC bootstrap port:, I have only a few updates selected for mirroring and enabled, and im still having an issue with the service itself not starting up properly on the server. Any ideas?
For me, I just waited a while and the service eventually straightened itself out. I would try and restart the service every 8 to 12 hours and see if that works. The first time I tried to use it, I too selected just a few items but it still had fits and sputters.
I let it simmer over the weekend and it looks like its actually running, looks like it just needs some time to get going.