Some browsers not connecting


Hello everybody,
I've experienced a very strange problem in the last weeks, which is very frustrating. Sometimes, randomly - at least I could not figure out a common cause - some of the browsers I have installed on my system tell me that I'm not connected, while every other application using the network (eg. Sparrow mail client, Twitter, Dropbox, etc.) work just fine. I've seen the issue both on Airport and Ethernet.
To be more precise: Safari (latest), Chrome (latest), Firefox 4 do not work; Camino, Opera and Firefox 3.6 do work as normal. I noticed today that even Software Update seems to be affected.
I know that rebooting the Mac will fix it, but since it is happening quite often I don't like the solution. What could the problem be? I already tried all kinds of resets (included PRAM, fixing disks, etc.) with no luck.
Anybody having the same issue?

I'm using Snow Leopard 10.6.6, on a MacBook Pro early 2008, Core Duo 2.
Thanks a lot,

To be more precise: Safari (latest), Chrome (latest), Firefox 4 do not work; Camino, Opera and Firefox 3.6 do work as normal. I noticed today that even Software Update seems to be affected.
Make sure that your non-working browsers are not trying to use proxy servers to access the Internet.