Some files have been stolen from my mac


Hello everybody,

One guy, who left company I'm working for, has copied some files from my mac G5 OSX 10.4. I was able to find something in logs, when the computer was on and that he connected external hdd to my mac. But I really would like to know, what files were copied to his device. Is it possible to track that too??? Help please. It's important.
Stupid Question: did you have an Administer Login and did you give him the password.

If you did not, he should not have been able to access your files that are locked . . . though it is best to also have a Firmware Password set to prevent someone from booting your computer on another disk to try to erase your HD, steal files, plot acts of treason, et cetera.

Theft you describe is a crime in the United States and, I believe, in other Cool Countries.

Contact your local law enforcement, directed to those who deal with Cyber Crime, and have them inspect the logs. I would also contact your superiors since they may be able to track him down.

With the tools provided by OS X or the logs - not possible.
Better tools tracing for what were copied would be private detectives, police, or anyone else whom you can get to sneak to that user's hard drive to find out what they copied.
I didn't have any login password activated on my mac. Thing is that the guy was still employed that time when he copied those files, but he already knew that he's going to leave. He took those files so he could use them in his new business (print and design) he just started.
If he was not legally entitled to take it, then you need to contact the police.

Meanwhile you should have a login for your computers. Seriously. Otherwise, it is like leaving your front door open with a "Free Beer" sign.

Especially for work computers, a user and password at login is essential, as well as password for waking from screensaver. And ideally each user with their own account and safe enough password. If there is no password set up, anyone walking to that Mac could have copied anything to their hard drive or emailed themselves anything.
Hello everybody,

One guy, who left company I'm working for, has copied some files from my mac G5 OSX 10.4. I was able to find something in logs, when the computer was on and that he connected external hdd to my mac. But I really would like to know, what files were copied to his device. Is it possible to track that too??? Help please. It's important.

You Mac is screaming at you and you were not listening! Go to /Applications/Utilities/Console and review your Mac's logs to what happened.
How long will it preserve such information?

And I am not sure I would say it "screams," rather it "bongs."

Internet Cleanup has a nice feature called Device Sentry. If anyone plugs in a device via USB or Firewire, they will need to enter the password that was set up in order to mount the drive. I find it very useful.