Someone Say new Powerbooks

bobbo said:
I hope that at that event they release iWork 2.0. . .i also bet we see an iPod shuffle in black within a few months.
I'm guessing we won't be seeing any more shuffles as higher capacity nanos start to appear next year. The lowend nano can easily replace the shuffle. I just can't see anyone wanting to spend $129 shuffle over a $199 nano.
You can run a Widget on the desktop.

Activate the Dashboard dvelopment mode. Open the Terminal and type defaults write devmode YES and press Return. Then logout and log back in again. Now debugging mode is activated. To get a widget off of the Dashboard and onto your desktop, just do the following:
1. Activate Dashboard by pressing F12 (or whatever key you've assigned to Dashboard).
2. Begin dragging the widget.
3. Press F12 again, before letting up on the mouse button.
4. Drop the widget wherever you want it.
You can do the same thing in reverse to drag the widget back onto the Dashboard. Also of interest: while a widget is frontmost, you can press Command-R to reload it. (This may be necessary if a widget is buggy and gets messed up somehow.) There's even a nifty Core Image-based twirl effect to accompany the reload.
bobw said:
You can run a Widget on the desktop.

Activate the Dashboard dvelopment mode. Open the Terminal and type defaults write devmode YES and press Return. Then logout and log back in again. Now debugging mode is activated. To get a widget off of the Dashboard and onto your desktop, just do the following:
1. Activate Dashboard by pressing F12 (or whatever key you've assigned to Dashboard).
2. Begin dragging the widget.
3. Press F12 again, before letting up on the mouse button.
4. Drop the widget wherever you want it.
You can do the same thing in reverse to drag the widget back onto the Dashboard. Also of interest: while a widget is frontmost, you can press Command-R to reload it. (This may be necessary if a widget is buggy and gets messed up somehow.) There's even a nifty Core Image-based twirl effect to accompany the reload.
Yes, I was aware, but not very elegant or Apple style. It can be done better.
Well, it's not Apple's _intention_ to make people use widgets outside of Dashboard, you see. That's why they don't have a more "elegant" way to do this. And about the shuffle: Those people who think even the money for the shuffle is at the very top end what they're spending on a music playing device, those might still get a shuffle. Also for joggers, the shuffle is probably still the way to go. And Apple will, in my opinion, want to keep a "lowest price" option for people to get onto iPod instead of using the competition. They need all possible customers of iTunes Music Store lured into using iTunes, you see...
Oscar Castillo said:
I'm guessing we won't be seeing any more shuffles as higher capacity nanos start to appear next year. The lowend nano can easily replace the shuffle. I just can't see anyone wanting to spend $129 shuffle over a $199 nano.

Price wise, maybe. But utility wise, not really. A lot of shuffle users (or at least me) use it as a "jump drive" as well. I could see them dropping the 512mb version and making the 1gb version 99 dollars. I think if they managed to get a small lcd onto it (one that purely scrolls song info, 2 color, nothing big and fancy), it wouldnt get so much "negative" publicity and would do better sales.

Either way, I wouldnt replace mine with a nano. But I wouldnt mind just having a nano also ;)
if you use tinkertool, you can click a checkbox to let you drag widgets off the dashboard onto the desktop, or just turn the dashboard off completely.
Before Tiger came out I was like, Widgets are overhyped. Then when Tiger came out I played around with Widgets, installed a few, actually used a couple for a bit. Now, I have to say, I really don't use them.

It's not that there aren't useful widgets, it's just that I already use self-contained apps to do a given task (like printing envelopes). And since I use keyboard shortcuts to launch apps (ikey), the quick access benefit of Dashboard isn't really part of it.

If Dashboard were removed one day, I wouldn't miss it. Really, all it is is a repository for web pages that act as self-contained, well, widgets. As I understand it, the widgets are just little Safari windows in effect. Yes? No?
They are, yes.

I find Dashboard useful. I use Weather, Calculator and Dictionary widgets almost every day. Thesaurus is handy when you're writing something ;)

But anyway, this thread is about the new Powerbooks, lets not go too far off topic :cool:
Didn't they say the first Pentium powerbooks would be out in 2007?

And yes I do use the following widgets:

Doppler Radar
Sunlit earth - I just think it's cool
Yellow Page search - very useful
Conversion tool - converts everthing from currency to distance and weight
I personally started using Dashboard again. I never change much, though, so I always have the same things open:

- An entry field for a blog.
- Wikipedia (Gotta love this...)
- 3 Stickies
- Weather for Winterthur, Switzerland.

And I hope they don't eat memory like they used to in 10.4.0/10.4.1 ;)
Well its official, I'm happy with the new Powerbooks. I was very happy to see 128MB DDR VRAM on the 15" and 17" models as standard, as well as the option of a 7200RPM hard disk.

As speculated, the 15" now has a 1440 x 900 resolution, and the 17" has 1680 x 1050.
I'll have to take a look at those. Mind you, I won't be buying, since my 1.33 GHz 15" will still do for another year or so. (And you've probably read my signature about the intel thing that was put in place when everybody was _so_ upset about it...) ;) ... But the resolution is of interest to me. I personally think 1280*854 is perfect for the screen, but I just _guess_ that when I compare them side by side, GUI items will look awfully big on mine. (I remember having my current PB next to the 1152*768 TiBook 500 I was selling back then...)
Well... I have an older PowerBook G4, even without SuperDrive, but Widescreen. Still, the newer ones make my one look so old and dated.... Does this make my PowerBook a retro one? ;-)