Someone stop me!!


Ok, my local apple store has a dual 2ghz G5 in stock. I can pick it up tomorrow if I want it. They also have a 20" cinema display. I want both. I should also get the
airport extreme card and airport whilst I am at it.

How long would I be happy for? A couple of days, a week a month a year?
Why did Apple have to release such a beast.. Why??? :)

Temptation is just so evil!
it a mac. you'll be happy for years to come. of course, i'm sure apple will release something else in a year or less that will instill greater lust in you. sooner or later you have to learn that you can't have everything. getting something you are happy with, and staying happy with it, is more rewarding in the end. i suggest repeated listenings of Bob Seger's "Beautiful Loser" if you have problems with this concept. :p
... you'll be happy forever and get to heaven and what else did you want? :)

what can i do to stop you? would closing the thread help? ;)
Don't forget the 40-gb iPod, and all the accessories and software to go with the entire setup. :D
Man, what is a 20" cinema display? The only display apple makes that's worth buying is the 23"! That thing is as big as my TV!
But your a lucky man, that kind of hardware would keep me happy for a long time to come...
I'm on a G4/500 and I love it, so I'm sure 2x2GHz would absolutely blow your mind. Sounds like you're gloating, not asking for advice! :p
Not gloating at all!

Trying to justify the money to be spent. Considering this time last year I bought my first dual 1Ghz G4.. hehe

My (somewhat lame) justification is I took my G4 into work and it's never really been at home where I could play around with the computer at my own pace and leisure.

I had thought about the 23" screen, for an extra $1K here in .au it's almost definately worth it. However I am not a big photoshop user or anything like that, so I'm wondering more if the screen real estate would just be wasted.

I do however like to 'tinker' with programming, of course I could learn cocoa on a much lesser machine, but somehow it just don't have the dual G5 ring to it.

As for you can't have everything, hehe I've done pretty well up until now. I just have to learn to stop buying stuff at some point in time, otherwise I may never grow up. I'm 37 now.

Thanks though to everyone for the advice and the support. :)
Well, the question is, what would this computer directly be replacing? If your dual G4 (an excellent machine, sure to keep you quite happy if you have access to it) is at work, then what do you use at home? If it's an old iMac like I, Mr. K, and Ed have, then I'd get the G5 (I still want one, LOL). If you can manage to get your G4 home, and be able to use that, then keep the G4 and save your money for something better than the dual G5, like a dual 3 Ghz G5 in a year, a quad 5 Ghz G6 in 3 years, or, I don't know, a Corvette or something.
The G5 at home would be an addition rather than a replacement. I've already got a windows box which I use for playing strategy games on. So the G5 would be more a learning tool.

If only I could convince work to get me a dual G5. I'd have the best of both worlds. :)

I don't need a corvette, I already have one of these..

I do appreciate all efforts though to help me save money.
A PC for strategy games? What do you have on your PC that you can't get on your Mac? I can think of several strategy games right off the top of my head for Mac: Civ III, WC3, Tropico, The Sims, Starcraft, Age of Empires (any).

What do you do? Would it really be worth it to get a new G5, or would it just be to satisfy your craving?
hmmm, my list of strategy games is very very long. I buy practically every new one that comes out. The ones you mentioned are merely scratching the surface of strategy games on the PC.

Course I am really holding out for RailRoad Tycoon 3. But to date I see it's only coming for PC.

You are right though, the G5 is (almost) just pure craving.. we all crave, some yearn (wasn't that a line from Seinfeld?). Anyway I've held off another 24 hours. so maybe the frenzy of wanting to own will calm down over the next couple of days. :)
This is insane, you must stop! Now I know it's hard and it may be that the money burning a hole in your pocket is just too much to take, but still this kind of impulse buying is a serious problem and as you asked us to stop you, here is my solution.

Buy the thing at the Apple Store and then make your way to the nearest UPS station and put the whole system on the counter.

Take a few of the few smoldering dollars that you have left and ship it to me. Second day air is fine... :) ;):p

I promise you that your impulse buying habit will decrease in intensity and if you have a relapse, please come to this community, we'll help you in 12 easy steps. :D
I get to use a G4 1.8 Ghz with 20" and i am in love!!! a G5 would be that much better! ( I say go for it!)