Sony DCR-SR82 Camcorder Crashes New iMac


Greetings all. My son has a New iMac, great computer (I'm mac illiterate) has had it roughly 90 days all has been well up until recently. He has been connecting his Sony Digital camcorder since day one as an external hard drive, then transferring video files to a folder on the computer-no problems. Suddenly, when plugging in the camcorder to do the same, it crashes the system requiring a reboot. I have a copy of the error message in case that might help to diagnose the problem. I connect the camera to a windows-based laptop and there are no issues, it even recognizes it as a Sony USB device. Thanks in advance for any help-even Mac Support is stumped on this one.

He is connecting it via USB directly to the back of the iMac. when he turns on the camera and selects the mode (hard drive) the Mac goes into a death spiral, with a USB-based error message. I can post that if it would help. Thanks!
Yeah, let's go ahead with that error message... it may be helpful.

Also, what happens if he turns on the camera, puts it in "disk" mode, THEN connects it to the computer?
Tried that, same results. Here is the error message:

Sun Jun 7 20:52:48 2009
panic(cpu 0 caller 0x003EB97C): "IOUSBDevice::_RESERVEDIOUSBDevice8 called\n"@/SourceCache/xnu/xnu-1228.9.75/libkern/c++/OSMetaClass.cpp:816
Backtrace (CPU 0), Frame : Return Address (4 potential args on stack)
0x3021ba68 : 0x12b4f3 (0x45b14c 0x3021ba9c 0x1335e4 0x0)
0x3021bab8 : 0x3eb97c (0x49c58c 0x5b5280 0x5b5280 0x8)
0x3021bad8 : 0x5a64d4 (0x5bd118 0x8 0x3021bb08 0x3ece8f)
0x3021baf8 : 0x305beb66 (0x63ae000 0x3021bb1c 0x3021bb28 0x3f0459)
0x3021bb28 : 0x305bf9ce (0x63a5400 0x305c4b14 0x446df80 0x0)
0x3021bb78 : 0x412976 (0x63a5400 0x7790c00 0x1 0x3ecd96)
0x3021bbd8 : 0x414219 (0x7790c00 0x63a5400 0x53b9700 0x53a46a0)
0x3021bc58 : 0x413a7d (0x7790c00 0x4a0c880 0x0 0x1)
0x3021bca8 : 0x414786 (0x7790c00 0x2 0x0 0x0)
0x3021bce8 : 0x40e528 (0x7790c00 0x2 0x0 0x7790c00)
0x3021bd28 : 0x5a4c75 (0x7790c00 0x2 0x4 0x0)
0x3021bda8 : 0x7e2e3c (0x63ae000 0x6970000 0x1 0x1)
0x3021bdc8 : 0x7e2886 (0x6970000 0x1 0x1 0x0)
0x3021be18 : 0x7e23f5 (0x6970000 0x5bd118 0x4410d80 0x10001)
0x3021be48 : 0x412976 (0x6970000 0x63ae000 0x1 0x3ecd96)
0x3021bea8 : 0x414219 (0x63ae000 0x6970000 0x5394840 0x53bb7a0)
Backtrace continues...
Kernel loadable modules in backtrace (with dependencies):>0x305c6fff

BSD process name corresponding to current thread: kernel_task

Mac OS version:

Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 9.6.1: Wed Dec 10 10:38:33 PST 2008; root:xnu-1228.9.75~3/RELEASE_I386
System model name: iMac9,1 (Mac-F2218EC8)
Thanks I tried the reset with the Mac technincian via phone support. Didn't have any effect. One thing I have noticed, the computer takes a lot longer to boot up or turn on than when it was new, it takes 1-2 minutes now as opposed to almost instant on. Don't know if that helps.

Does the above error message look like the Mac thinks the USB port is in use or reserved? does not happen when you plug in an ipod, for example.