sound control via keyboard


machead since 91

im looking to control my sound volume from my keyboard. any suggestions?

should i program F keys, get a new keyboard??

i am running osX 10.1.5 on a sawtooth G4 tower with a standard apple pro usb keyboard.

ALSO. I noticed the F12 key ejects cds from my built-in drive. Do any of the other F keys have function in the finder? if so, what and can they be changed??
I have been wondering something similar, if not the same. They keyboard that came with my new computer had volume keys on it. However, the ergonomic keyboard that I actually use does not. Is there an easy way to remap a couple of the function keys or something to do the same thing?

And to answer at least part of the original question, I believe the F14 and F15 keys raise and lower the brightness level (although on my old computer w/10.1 it was contrast... Go figure)
Originally posted by chicodoggy

im looking to control my sound volume from my keyboard. any suggestions?

should i program F keys, get a new keyboard??

i am running osX 10.1.5 on a sawtooth G4 tower with a standard apple pro usb keyboard.

ALSO. I noticed the F12 key ejects cds from my built-in drive. Do any of the other F keys have function in the finder? if so, what and can they be changed??

If you have a standard Apple keyboard, you should see the Volume Down, Volume Up, and Mute buttons directly about the Num Lock/Clear, Equals, and Slash keys on the numpad.