spinning beachball after leopard system update

Cow Loon

I ran system update on leopard and installed an itunes and quicktime update and now when I boot, it logs in, displays my desktop wallpaper with no icons and the spinning busy mouse cursor icon and nothing else. I've rebooted and let it sit for 3 hours.

What can I do?
Start up from the Leopard DVD, repair the volume and repair permissions, then try again.
You had a "bundels" that messes with Leopard. To fix you must first boot into single user mode (by holding down the command button+s) at startup. when the black screen come up type these commands:

1) rm -rf /Library/Preference Panes/Application Enhancer.prefpane
2) rm -rf /Library/Frameworks/Application Enhancer.framework
3) rm -rf /System/Library/SystemConfiguration/Application Enhancer.bundle
4) rm -rf /Library/Preferences/com.unsanity.ape.plist

Also remove any extra US B devices and see if that works.

Good Luck.
As far as the APE business, I found none of those file paths.

I verified my volume and it found a problem, so I repaired the volume and repaired permissions.

Unfortunately, I still get the spinning beach ball of death when I boot.

While that's going on I can command-tab and see finder in the list. I can click on spotlight but can't type into it. Do you think there might be a way to have Console load soon after finder starts, so I can see console messages?

This is like what happened when I tried upgrading to Leopard instead of installing fresh. There was no APE then either.

This is a G4 powerbook by the way.
Is there a way from single user mode to disable things that are started at boot, but after login? Or, can I create a new user and cause the OS to prompt me for a login when I boot?