Spolier! (Not really) 10.3 Intro Screen....

I think we all know what was the song of 10.2 plus I think we all love it, aren't we? ;)

But I like Panther's A LOT, too! :) If anyone knows how this song is called and from who, let us know... :D
And where will you see this, when first starting up Panther?

Frankly, I found it a little boring, and I didn't like the music that much. Sure, it's got a beat... and a something in the background... but, well, eh.
The track...

is Eple by Royksopp, fantastic track.

I'm guessing this movie is some student's multimedia project (I wouldn't give many marks for originality ;) )
Originally posted by Stridder44
Check this out. I love it. I wonder who does the song tho, I know who did the intro song for 10.2...
I can tell you that the music is a track called 'Eple' off Melody AM by Royksopp - they're Scandinavian. Awesome album.

Pretty dull splash screen though...
I liked 10.2 better with the Aqua effect. This is well, a few images, a lighting effect and a audio track, not exactly eye candy. I figure the Mac experience speaks for itself, so what the hell, who cares about the intro, you won't see it again, and if you do, you'll likely be pissed because you had to reinstall your system.
Many thanx to both uoba and myotherpc'samac! :D

myotherpc'samac cool user name you got there ;)

You people rock! :)
No, I'm glad that boot time has been reduced. I'd love to one day _only_ see the login screen when powering up my Macs. ;-)
Originally posted by uoba
The track...

is Eple by Royksopp, fantastic track.

I'm guessing this movie is some student's multimedia project (I wouldn't give many marks for originality ;) )

Eple means Apple ;)

And as far as I remember, this was not what appeared last I installed a Panther build :p
Originally posted by HECTORdaBIZATCH
Uh, guys... why would Apple be using the old Aqua Blue desktop background from 10.1?

I doubt this is authentic.

That's actually the new background from Panther. I still have the same doubts as you, though.
It is authentic... it appeared in the 7B6x series of builds. I saw it when configuring my machine on a clean install.
Yeah, it's real. The path to it is:
Macintosh HD>System>Library>PrivateFrameworks>SetupAssistant.framework>Versions>A>Resources>intro.mov
The movie is encoded in MPEG 4 and is pristine quality.
The sound is in a separate file which I am trying to locate at the moment.