spyware removal


Does anyone know if there are any spyware removal programs that actually does what it says on the tin.....REMOVE SPYWARE!!!

I've heard that macscan and aladin internet cleanup just fall short of doing it, if so - is there anything else to try. Or is it a case of Macscan and Internet cleanup working - but only under certain conditions, whatever they may be.
Spyware can come in the form of a web browser cookie, and such spyware would be universal. Last time I checked, OSX has a web browser and they do accept cookies.
If you suspect your have a "spyware cookie," simply choose "Reset Safari" from the Safari menu and all cookies will be cleared (in addition to your history, among other things). Then stay away from the site that gave you the spyware cookie.
As far as I know, Limewire only has spyware in the Windows version.

Although, there are sypware programs - search versiontracker for 'keylogger'
Oh, sorry. Try 'keystroke' - that shows about half a dozen keyloggers, and macscan, that claims to delete them.

On the other hand, the comments all seem to say that the currently available version is an expired beta, and the macscan website has disabled downloading, until they make a new version. And it looks like it's been a long time since then...