SSH Public Key Problems

I'm a little confused. Have you ever ssh into the server ?

Do you have any kind of shell access ?

If you have then ssh is running. Your authorized_keys file is corrupting your attemps. Remove your authorized_keys file and try to ssh into the server again. If that is successful then scp the file with your public keys to the server and then copy it to your authorized_keys file.

I have been granted shell access and was told that I needed to generate my keys and paste the public key into the webhosts browser interface then I would be able to ssh into the server.

I have never been successfull in loggin in using ssh because something is happening with my public key or my private key.

I removed my authorized_keys file and was still denied:
You do NOT need ANY keys to login via ssh

The keys allow you to login without a password. You need to get ssh working interactivley b4 trying any keys.

Where is this directory ? your server or the hosting company ?


What was the command you used to generate your keys ?
The local syntax you used should be good to create the keys on your side.

Verify ssh is running on port 22 with a port scanner like nmap on your webhost servers.

And yes talk to the hosting company to find out any details.
Just thought I would let everyone know that the login problem is solved!! Hallelujah!!
My web host failed to mention that the SSH2 key needed to be rsa not dsa. Works great now. Thanks for all your help guys!
Svoltmer, You said you solved the problem with RSA thats great.

But will you please put exactly how you enterered the the ssh-keygen parameters and also anything you did locally.

Did you have to rename the file(s) in .ssh locally ??

Thanks dude.