As long as you have ssh access somewhere on the remote computer's network.
I don't know how this will help with classic, but ssh tunneling is just crazy useful anyway
Lets say I have some linksys router at a remote location, and I need to edit some paramater on the router's setup page. Here is what I would do from home, on my laptop with osx:
$ ssh -L8000:
This shell you in to the host '' and forward, port 80, to: localhost:8000.
So, I would then just point my web browser at
hrm, this should be a HOWTO....
Note that you can use -R to reverse the direction (eg, allow a remote administrator access to your network by shelling to their network).
The only way this will work with classic, is if mac os x firewalls off classic, so that the localhost
can access the services (just, no remote hosts). I dunno, I don't keep a classic install anymore.
Lemme know if this is helpful!