Star Wars Aoc

What did you think of Attack of The Clones?


  • good

  • not so great

  • SUCKED and that the only good thing was that the were made on macs :)

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What did people think of the New Star wars movie and how long did they wait for it haha
I didn't have to wait at all. My company bought us tickets, so all I had to do was show up. Very cool.

We also went to the midday showing, so it wasn't very crowded.

The only problem was that I didn't go with any other real SW geeks like myself. So as soon as we got out of the movie, everyone was back to talking about work... :rolleyes:
Most definitely this is an awesome movie...I've seen it twice now in a digital theater and I'm itching to go again. This is probably my favorite in the whole Star Wars saga...the force is strong with this one :D :cool:
that thing wasn't made on Macs. Do you REALLY believe what Lucas and the guy from ILM said on stage???

No Powerbook or G4 is halfway capable of even rendering the wireframe model of one of those Maya shots in time...

Maya has one of the slowest renderes on the market, and the OS X version of Maya - sorry to say that - is a big piece of crap! Instable, really need a beast of a workstation to actually work with such high quality shots - even when they are tuned down to "preview" quality, and the both the current PowerMacs and the PowerBooks just don't have the power (concerning bus bandwith, Mhz, cache size etc.) to work with these amounts of data...

I red something in the german Maya forum that a cluster of eleven Octane2's always travelled with the production crew to check how the recorded material *might* fit into the already rendered maya scenes (some where rendered before shooting, some afterwards). I actually don't understand why they didn't take a server rack with them, but well, I'm no movie producer...

btw: I love the movie
Yeah, I must say that Star Wars Episode II rocked. It's been a while that I've seen a movie in a big theater, and it was great. :) Two and a half hours of edge-of-your-seat-y goodness. :)

It was also really cool to see the prequel trilogy start to come together with the original trilogy.
I saw it at 10:00 AM on Thursday. It rocked. That huge fighting scene was one of the best fighting scenes I've ever seen. Mabye this is just because I saw it in a standard theater, but did anybody else think the picture quality wasn't all that great? I mostly noticed it in dark spots.

There's one digital theater in San Antonio. I need to go see if their playing SW:AOC.
THe picture-quality of the non-digital version is really bad! THey did ittentionaly, I think, to push the digital cinemas even more.

I was surprised of how many new techniques Lucas used! In no SW movie did he use special camera positions, but the fight between Dooku and Ani is great when it comes to camera work! Not to mention the "Private Ryan" style shots during the fight at the end, where it looks like it is shot with a handycam from a war reporter.

I didn't like Episode 1 that much until I got the Phantom's Cut, which is a lot better. But Episode 2 is great. I saw it two times now in the cinema and several times at home, and now, I would even say it fits into the original three...though it has more plot and more conversation than any other SW movie I think.

Most people complain about the death from Django, but I find it realistic that Mace Winduu has no problem killing even a skilled bounty hunter, after all, he's a jedi master.

But still, I'd say they shouldn't have cloned Django but Yoda :D Imagine the arena scene and now throw ten fighting Yodas in there...

...but that would be boring :D
Originally posted by ulrik
I didn't like Episode 1 that much until I got the Phantom's Cut, which is a lot better.
You're talking about the Phantom Edit, right? Or at least, that's what I have heard it called. Where JarJar is basically removed from the movie? I want to see that... :)
Most people complain about the death from Django, but I find it realistic that Mace Winduu has no problem killing even a skilled bounty hunter, after all, he's a jedi master.
How can anyone complain? Boba Fett was killed by Han Solo, more by accident than anything else. Han Solo was basically blind at the time, too.

Even Luke, who was not as good of a Jedi as Mace Winduu (IMO) had no problems dealing with Boba Fett when confronting him. He could easily have finished Boba Fett if he hadn't been distracted by the laser cannon from the sail barge...

Ohh, I am sounding like a geek more and more -- I'd better shut up now before it gets too bad... ;)
Hey Boba Fett didn't die, he escaped and got a new ship, the Slave 2, which he used to rescue the Slave 1 from the Republic Shipyards.

Don't ask me how I know this :P
;) Just came back from seeing Episode II.. it was great. Worth seeing.

My favorite scene was the large battle one was well. :D I was on the edge of my seat! It's cool to see how Anakin started to go over to the Dark Side as well. The effects were great.

Go see this movie if you haven't already. It's a blast. :D
Originally posted by nkuvu

How can anyone complain? Boba Fett was killed by Han Solo, more by accident than anything else. Han Solo was basically blind at the time, too.

This is the only scene in the original trilogy which REALLY pisses me off! I am a big Boba Fett fan, I just love this character...but the way he dies is just....well....he deserved something better than dying in a stupid joke where nobody laughs...
Han Solo, who is still nearly blind, gets warned by Chewbacca that Boba is standing behind him. Han still has the weapon of one of the skiff guards in his hands. He turns around and accidentely hits the flight pack from Boba which starts, flying him towards Jabba's barge. He slams against the barge and falls into Sarlac.

A great death for a great character :rolleyes:
actually, Boba fett doesn't really die. He's in the Sarlacc pit, but he blasts his way out with one of his many weapons, and some other bounty hunter (the guy with the brain surgery and the big cloth on his head to cover the scar or something)Then they become friends and Boba Fett gets another ship and a new suit of armor :cool:

(correct me if I'm wrong about any of this)

Also, I didn't like Jango Fett's Death at all. It was pathetic. Yoda was incredibly cool in this movie. It was pretty funny when he started fighting Count Dooku :D

p.s. Jar Jar is the worst character ever in Star Wars.:mad:
Originally posted by xaqintosh
p.s. Jar Jar is the worst character ever in Star Wars.:mad:
I don't like Jar-Jar either, but you're judging him based on his accent. He's actually pretty smart in this movie.
I'm not judging him on his accent, although I hate it. I just think he looks, acts, talks, sounds, and is goofy and pathetic. Also, how is he smart?
Jar-Jar gave a very successful speech in front of the senate. He knew what he was talking about. He wasn't just reading a script.
Originally posted by ulrik
Han Solo, who is still nearly blind, gets warned by Chewbacca that Boba is standing behind him. Han still has the weapon of one of the skiff guards in his hands. He turns around and accidentely hits the flight pack from Boba which starts, flying him towards Jabba's barge. He slams against the barge and falls into Sarlac.

A great death for a great character :rolleyes:

I don't remember seeing this in the movie..... is this from the book?