Stolen Laptop


The Late: SuperMacMod
Is there anyway of finding a stolen machine if I knew the MAC address?
Not really, no... unless that person logs on to the internet or network in the same subnet as you, you're probably out of luck.

You may try contacting your ISP or several local ISPs to see if they can help -- explain that you've has a laptop stolen and you know the machine address and see if they can help.

I remember there being a story a while back about someone who recovered a stolen iMac, but he/she had installed some sort of "phoning home" software on the iMac before it was stolen. They logged in remotely when they saw the iMac come on-line (and accomplished this through the installed phone-home software) and then tracked the thieves down that way.
I didn't think so. I remember that story awhile back, the user had TimBukTu installed and got lucky.

My son just bought this new Dell Laptop and left it in his vehicle for awhile before going home. Luckily, his company will pay for the cost.
That's the program I was thinking of... kind of a feel-good, sdcrew-the-bad-guy kind of story. Makes me wish I had the funds to get TimBukTu, but for now I'll just keep the doors locked and the alarm on.

Sorry to hear about your son's laptop. I've had my car broken into a few times and it makes you feel so... raped... for lack of a better word (it's still a little early for me, so my brain's not at 100% yet). Sounds like he works for a damn good company if they're gonna pay for it.
I use TimBukTu, works great.

Yep, he works for a very good company. He's a Civil Engineer, head of the engineering department. He has a company SUV, so they cover anything that was lost, including anything of his.
It sucks to get a laptop stolen. My mom accidentally left her van door open when she was visiting a school and when she came back her Indigo iBook was gone. Fortunately, she didn't need it too badly for her job, and her company will be getting her a new one (though it will be a PC :p).
The laptop that was stolen is a Dell with WindowsXP on it. I told him to contact MS to see if they could track it if the machine's system if it called home for any security updates or anything. I know on my PC with XP, I disabled a feature that stopped the machine for automatically checking with MS.
:) always Gia :)

At least it was new and didn't have much on it, and no personal info at all.
Yes, he's not going to lose any money because of the theft.

He had to have a Mac when he went to college, all engineering students had to have a Mac, Drexel University. That's when I got started on them in 1991. But since he started working, it's always on a PC.