Strange file permissions on RAID 1 on USB external enclosure


On my Yosemite 10.10.5 I have a raid 1 (mirror) built on two SATA USB drives
The RAID partition is formatted Mac OS Extended Journaled

say I am user macadmin, and I created a folder:

ls -la /Volumes/RAID-1TB/
drwxr-xr-x 8 macadmin staff 272 Jul 3 16:47 macadmin-test

now if I log in as a different user - say userabc and I ls the same path ai am getting this

drwxr-xr-x 8 userabc staff 272 Jul 3 16:47 macadmin-test

How come the same folder is now showing as owned by userabc

This baffles me - any idea what is going on?
That is the real path to the folder. The folder is named macadmin-test and sits at the root level of the volume 'RAID-1TB'
so depending on who is logged in and runs the ls -l command, it appears the folder is owned by different users (and UIDs - one is 501 and the other is 503)

I think ls -ln shows the UIDs ; not in front of my MAC now

The pwermissions work correctly on other volumes not USB RAID - this is the first time I am seeing such behavior

How are permissions decided when adding a folder to the root of the drive?
Isn't that the usual place for files that everyone can use, similar to any folder on a Mac that happens to be in the root directory? (Not the usual site to keep files, anyway)
Plus, I don't see how a RAID-1 format, per se, would be relevant. It's about permissions, not the storage setup.
Would you need to manually set folder permissions for the user that is allowed access, otherwise the RAID defaults to something else, such as permission for anyone who happens to connect to that RAID? (That probably just shows the extent of my non-knowledge, so maybe it is just a random question that might or might not apply to a RAID-format volume. :cool: )
Users have permission to all folders on a drive except those folders in a different users home folder. So user abc will have permission to folders on the RAID-1TB but can not open folders in macadmin’s user folder.
Try changing the read or write permissions of items in your home folder, you might need to reset permissions to avoid certain issues. Also, you can repair disk permissions with Disk Utility, just run Disk Utility, which is in the Utilities folder of your Applications folder. Select the startup disk from the list of volumes and click the First Aid tab. If you want to check permissions, click Verify Disk Permissions and to repair permissions, click Repair Disk Permissions.