Strange Hilight colors in 10.2

I guess my point is that I don't see the problem (or maybe I never noticed the fuctionality in past OS versions).

Or...Is it really effecting your overall warm-and-fuzzy-Aqau-UI-experience? Maybe Apple decide that we cannot have control of the Menu Highlight colors...they can do that. They made this (this.equals(Mac OS X 10.2)).

Or...does it really matter? What about the starving children in Africa without Mac OS X? :D

Chill out dude. This is not a personal attack. What is there wasn't a Mac OS X...what if all we had was Winbloz XP (aka Xtra Pain)? Then life would really suck!
Nothing personal holmBrew :)

I just can't stand the fact that Apple just changed it (without asking me first :p )

btw, the picture of the menu i used wasn't a good choice, i am talking about highlighted emails in mail and buddies in iChat etc.

I think this may be more of an app problem than a system problem. I tried to reproduce the problem on my iBook. I had to start Mail (I use Entourage) to see it. I changed my selection color to Orange (it's a very light orange). The menus are still blue (I think that's because of Aqua). Selected text is light orange and so are selected emails in Entourage. Selected emails in Mail are are very bold orange.

This suggests that this is an app problem in apps like Mail and iChat, and not a system problem. Maybe Apple changed or "fixed" something in the API for drawing list selection and the code in Mail, iChat, etc. is now broken. Apple's apps probably use a lot of common code.

I hope it's a bug, not a "feature."
I think highlighting is where I see a problem with this 'bug' the most.

In some apps I can't see the text I'm selecting becuase the highlight color is almost not there.

In other apps it's blinding.

But still I'm not sure it's an OSX issue either, could be an app problem.
I'm sort of waiting to see how 10.2.1 is before I make a big deal out of things like this. I feel that 10.2 was a bit premature.
I can't see things like this, if it is a bug, going unnoticed at Apple, you know?
It's an OS problem, since it didn't crop up in 10.1.5 the same way it does in 10.2.x. Btw., this is NOT fixed in 6D51 10.2.1. My custom choice of orange turns brown when selecting a message in