I don't usually waste MY time asking a question, unless I think it's relevant.
By the way, I did not yet provide a response - I just asked a question (which you decided was somehow meant to be demeaning. It was not my intent!)
A restart is usually what fixes that issue, and you didn't go into much detail about what you have already tried (other than trying a whole herd of mice
- and it's not likely a problem caused by a mouse)
and - That's why I asked that question
You may notice that SGilbert did provide a response, but alas, I only asked a question.
So, another question...
Is your keyboard working properly, without ANY sticking keys?
You can test that in your Language & Text pref pane, then the Input Souces tab. Check the box in Keyboard & Character Viewer.
Now, select Show Keyboard Viewer, from the flag icon in your menubar.
Test each key, to see that it both accepts a press, and releases when YOU release it (with no hang or delay)
particularly pay attention to the modifier keys, on both sides, if they exist on both sides... (control, Option, Command and Caps Lock, and shift)
If that doesn't provide you with any help, did you try a different user account? Note that if you have a keyboard issue, you probably won't be able to log in to another account - but it's worth trying.
Do you have any other USB devices attached, including USB hubs?
Which Mac are you using?