'Strange' thoughts about Halo


So, I read lately (again( that about twice or even thrice as much copies of Halo for the Mac were leeched from the net than bought in shops. I talked about that with a friend, and he replied:

"And you wonder? Damn, it's a M$ game! They just think 'Microsoft has enough money, they do not need to get my money stuffed in the throat.' This is active protest."

I'm still pondering about it. What do you think is the reason for that? Or is that news just a hoax? I would like to know what your thoughts are. :)

P.S.: Got Halo a couple of days ago as a bargain, and it runs like rubbish on my G4 MDD... Guess I have to stick to my parents P4 for playing... ::sleepy::
I don't think Halo was pirated to "stick it to the man" any more than any other highly-pirated application (PhotoShop, etc.) is pirated to "stick it to the man."

I think, in this day and age of broadband and superfast computers, that it's become easier to steal software than it is to purchase it.

Anyone who has ever taken a basic, introductory course to economics would know that the whole "they've got enough money" argument holds little water. While some companies sure as hell could give some of their stuff away and still remain in business, any idiot could quickly figure out that that kind of thinking goes against capitalism as a whole.

No business, big or small, should have their goods stolen, period. You wouldn't want someone stealing your stuff, even if you were CEO of Wal-Mart or Microsoft or Apple. Theft hurts big and small businesses alike, and both large-scale theft and small-scale theft hurts.

I think Halo was pirated a lot because it was a much hyped and anticipated game. It's not a Microsoft product in the whole, though -- it's Bungie, which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Microsoft now. Even if Bungie had never been bought up by Microsoft, I still think Halo would have seen astronomical pirating rates.
Just look up .dmg on limewire. Its lot easier to get a real working disk image of a game for mac. (I'm not endorsing this, I'm just describing this phenomena) Does anyone know if the pirating rate for that game was particularly different form other mac games?

Its also alot harder to find games for mac.
ElDiabloConCaca said:
Even if Bungie had never been bought up by Microsoft, I still think Halo would have seen astronomical pirating rates.

wanna bet... if Microsoft hadn't bought up bungie, halo would be a mac game with ok graphics and less of a story
<if Microsoft hadn't bought up bungie, halo would be a mac game with ok graphics and less of a story>

If Microsoft hadn't bought up Bungie, Halo would have been a Mac/PC game (just like the Myth series, or Marathon II) and MS would have sold some 500K less consoles.
I think there are two main reasons halo was so widely pirated:
1) there was no demo, and people did not know how it would perform on their computer. All the rumors said it was slow and few want to spend a lot of money on a game they wont be able to play.

2) a lot of fans allready had it on their xbox, and justified stealing the computer version since they allready "paid" for it once.

what do you mean with less of a story? i think that if microsoft had not bought bungie they would have had the opportunity to put a lot of more time in the story development.
I think the fact that it was originally a Mac company making Mac games that lead to it. That said, I don't know of anyone who actually pirates games and I wouldn't have the first idea on where to look for one anyway. I still wonder how much is hype as an excuse not to port a game over.
Funny thing about these statistics is, how do they know how many get pirated anyway? Do they do a poll? Track all pirated copies? Make up some sensational numbers?
I am one of the people who pirated Halo. There was no demo, none of the local retailers will except returns, and I wasn't sure if 1) it would run on my Mac very well or 2) it was even worth it considering that I have the Xbox version. So yeah i pirated it and played it a grand total of maybe twenty minutes on my Mac. I decided that 1) it ran so-so on the lowest quality settings and 2) it really wasn't worth the price on the box. After that I promptly deleted it from my hard drive and haven't looked back since.

Though if they would release the Halo CE version for Mac so that we could use the mods that are being created for the PC version I would buy it in a second. As is there isn't enough new content in it to justify getting it IMHO.
The only reson to buy halo for the mac or pc, was if you wanted to use a mouse, and if you wanted to play online. Playing online required a cd key. Sooo even if some one priated the game. They couldn't play online. The game had many bugs, like most new 3d egnines, but didn't offer any thing new. But I bougt a copy any way. Tried playing it online, but my computer wasn't fast anuff.
I also downloaded Halo for Mac. I wanted to see how it would run on my G5 with the GeForce FX 5200. There was no demo, so it was really my only option. After about 15 min of play, I decided I wasn't happy with it and deleted it. Note, I did get the Xbox version, and I recently bought Halo 2.