Stuffing files?


Barking at the moon.
Is there a free and easy way to stuff files? I've got a group of files that I either need to zip or something similar but I don't know how to do it...
I use Zippist. You drag and drop the files/folders onto it (I keep it in the finder's toolbar), it will launch, create a zip file and quit without the annoying dialog boxes from stuffit.

You should keep in mind that the zip format will strip out resource forks.
Yes, StuffIt Lite includes a free version of DropStuff, which does exactly what the name implies -- simply drag and drop the files you'd like to stuff onto the DropStuff application, and vóila! Instant StuffIt file!
I use command line zip or a tar/gzip combo (I prefer gnutar to Apple's standard tar). You can also retain resource forks by using hfstar.

I prefer the command line tools; I have a shell script that archives my important files. If I weren't using an iBook, I'd probably run it as a weekly cronjob.
DropStuff is free, but it asks you to register it every time you use it. Extremely annoying if you ask me.... That's the main reason I switched to zippist