I was at a friends last night who has an older keyboard (the iMac kind, the kind that Scope has). He has an internal CD-ROM and a USB Iomega CD-R. When you push the F12 key it opens both drives. Upon doing this my buddy thought that was pretty weird. He said "so if I have an audio CD playing in there (the internal) and I've just burned something there (the Iomega) then when I push that (the F12 key), it's going to eject my CD-R and stop my music and eject that CD?"
"Yeah," I said.
"That's !@#$," he said.
Likewise, if you have a disc in either drive and push the F12 key, it ejects one disc and opens the other tray. I doubt if this is a bug, just a limitation. I'm sure that the eject key on the newer keyboards will do the same thing. So Scope, if you read this, and you're only planning on getting the new keyboard for the eject button, I'd wait, but, if you want the added convenience of the volume and mute buttons, then have at it. Just be aware that even with the newer keyboard you may still be having frequent tray races. I'll get a hold of my dad later today who has an external CD-RW and a newer keyboard, and I'll find out for sure if his does the same thing. I'm pretty sure it will...