Stupid Move on Apple's part

If this comes to pass, Apple is continuing to eliminate many of the selling points that I use when recommending the Mac platform to my friends and colleagues. While I'm glad to see that these apps will still come free on new computers, there's no doubt updates that add "must have" features will cause riots (well, not quite) like those when Jaguar pricing was announced. It's a shame. Apple must really be hurting.
Tsk, tsk...they are only adding to the number of nails in their coffin...I have a feeling that for every switcher the ads bring in another Mac user switches back due to these stupid moves of Apple...
Microsoft thrives on stuff like this. They will just offer comparable products on Windows for free and watch Apple slowly bleed to death as users flee to the darkside.
Do you think it is really that bad? While yes, everyone gets biter when something was free and now is not; I just don't see this kiling Apple. Or adding to Apple's "death in any way. If they are $50 for lets say.... 3 iApps, I can live with that. That is cheap. And software is expensive to make. I had no problem paying for Jag and I will have no problem paying for iApps.

First iTools, now this? Very sad to see this happen if it's indeed true. I switched about a year and a half ago, and have had new mac envy for a few months now. But another move like this is going to keep Apple a bit player in the market. When will Apple realize that the only way to turn the tide is to bite the bullet and become a software company. Put the i386 version of OS X on the store shelves and watch the switchers flock into the Apple stores in droves to UPGRADE their Windows machines. Then when they're good and happy with the OS and Apps, they'll want to upgrade their machines to the new AMD powered Apple machines because they'll still be the damned sexiest machines out there.
I am so tired of this bait 'n switch method that Apple is adopting. I this come out to be true, that every iApp will be deleted from my machine. I still will not subscribe to their .Mac and I sure in [That Hot Place] don't plan to buy freeware gone shareware overnight.

If you intend to keep a happy consumer base, you should have offered that apps at a price from the beggining. That way the people that really like to pay for this kind of software can do so. Offer a demo and let the people who don't pay for determine if they would like to pay for this software.

I don't need iPhoto. There are many other ways to organized and tweak my photos.
I don't need iTunes. There are way many more options/solutions for that.
I don't need iCal, there is one right there on my wall.
I don't need iSync, I got Hotsync Manager.
Other iApps don't relate to what I do so I can't say why I wouldn't need them. I like their programs, but I don't like being dupped into liking them so much that I have no choice but to pay an additional fee to keep them up to date. Sound like a drug dealer system to me. Get me hooked on the crack by offering it for free (a sample) then when I get hooked on it, then charge me an arm and a leg for it. This is the path Apple is taking and it leaves a very bitter taste in my mouth.

I love Apple and it's hardware/software, I just don't like the game they are playing.
by Joe Wilcox:
Apple also did not give Jaguar--the first significant upgrade to Mac OS X--to Mac OS X users for free. Instead, the majority of these customers had to pay $129 to receive the upgrade, which was released less than a year after OS X.

Okay, the last time I checked there were 12 months in a year. So how did 17 months become less than a year? Also why would this be considered any different from Mac OS 8, 8.5, and 9 which were all non-free upgrades spaced apart about the same amount of time that 10.0 and 10.2 were? And was 7.1 free? Or 7.5? Or 7.6 for that matter?

As for the issue of paying for iApps, this person who can't even get dates correct doesn't strike me as much of an authority on Apple. This sounds more like a solution to a slow news day.

Lets wait until Apple does something before complaining, or at least complain about something they have already done. We really don't need to worry about things that haven't happened yet (and we have no proof that it is going to happen).

And marz, if that plan didn't work for Be why would it work for Apple? Be had a great OS that they couldn't get Windows users to use for free on PCs. Moving to x86 and becoming a software company couldn't be a worse idea for Apple. The history of the industry is littered with companies that died (or were wounded) switching to x86.

If I were you, I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for Apple to move to AMD. :D
Come to think of it, with iTunes gone I won't have a single app keeping me from switching to Windows. To be true, the switch will be made either way, but now I might even sell this Mac...

There's something I never thought I'd do...
RacerX... I don't want to get off on a rant here (Dennis Miller) ... the difference between Apple and Be, Apple has a following already, and Apple has lots of wannabe customers that don't want or can't afford to buy their hardware. That's why it would be different for them to sell the OS and Apps for x86.

But that's just my opinion, I could be wrong.
i use iTunes .. practically only taht of those apps. I could do a calendar app myself if i needed one. No for those upgrades at least from here.. First jaguar, then if the old versions would become then like icab was today "sorry your version has expired, please get the new version" i will be pissed off. itunes is okay but... what the next? 50 $ to upgrade the ipod software from 1.1. to 1.1.1 or somethign like that?? no good :(
Voice- what are you talking about?

"Come to think of it, with iTunes gone I won't have a single app keeping me from switching to Windows."

I switch about 8 months ago. And right now I have three iApps in my dock. But that did not happen right at first. One of those iApps I am on the verge of dumping unless it gets better on ver 2. One I rarely use, and the other (iTunes is always on). I love iSync though, but I don't need it in my in my dock.

I use my mac for many reasons. The main reason is not the apps. It is the OS. I love it. In fact I used to HATE Apple computers before OS X.1! I had to use them for school and vowed never to buy one. That chanced when I played with OS X. I love OS X and it keeps getting better. And I will keep paying for my upgrades.

I also like .mac. At first I payed for the $50 price just to keep my e-mail, but now I use every feature it offers. I have no problems paying $100.00 a year for it (and I am not a rich guy).

If you are buying a pricey mac for one stupid app (iTunes) then switch. And quite crying because a company is charging for some of its more advanced software.

Sell your mac, and if you do let me know. Maybe I will buy it off you.

Wait a minute!!!

The rumor was that they would charge for an upgrade for iMovie, iDVD and iPhoto.. all other iApps will remain free.

Plus the new versions of iMovie,iDVD and iPhoto will still be free with any new OS or computer... just that you'll have to pay for the new versions if you get them seperately.

So not to much of a big deal, right?
I think all this complaining is from a bunch of spoiled brats. You bought a Mac and got all of Apple's iApps with the price of the computer. They do not however have to continue to give you free things after the sale. There are not taking away anything they gave you.

With your logic Apple should give you RAM to keep you up with the new Mac, or even how about a new CPU. No company just keeps giving you upgrades for free for ever. I have never seen Adobe, Macromedia, Microsoft Office, etc. give away free upgrades.

If you want the latest and greatest, quit asking for a handout and pay up!
I only use iTunes, so no big deal at this time. Apple has award winning software that we had the priviledged to recieve for free, although i don't use iDvd, iMovie or iPhoto, others find them highly useful. As a designer i see myself on a Mac for as long as Apple is around. Considering how much Final Cut is and DVD studio, the nonprofessional really shouldn't complain. i wish i could get Final Cut at a lower rate. Apple needs to keep their company profitable to operate, so this is something they fell they must do. Apple could give us some minor small additions we rant about, that might smooth things over a bit.
i hope there's an option to just buy iPhoto for $20 (assuming it's $50 for all three). i really like iPhoto.
maybe this means there will be significant upgrades, eh?
Originally posted by marz
RacerX... I don't want to get off on a rant here (Dennis Miller) ...

We're ranting about something that is very possibily untrue... how off rant could we really get?

Anyway, the BeOS actually did have a following. So did NEXTSTEP and Solaris. The results of moving to x86 were all the same, either the end of the company or the eventual drop of x86 support*. OS/2 Warp even had market share and the IBM name going for it and ended up gone. Also, if developers didn't write for the x86 version of Rhapsody, why would they all of a sudden want to write for an x86 version of Mac OS X? Jobs has tried x86 twice and both time it was unsuccessful, why would he be inclined to try a third time?

(* Sun dropped support for Solaris for x86 but brought it back after some core Solaris users made the point that they wanted a laptop Solaris solution and would be willing to pay for the OS)
Perhaps the new paid upgrades will actually be something you'd WANT to pay for. I'd pay for iTunes as it is, but I don't use the other iApps enough to pay for them.

I guess Apple finally shot itself in the foot again. :(
Here is the thing people. You are explaining why Apple should charge for some of its iApps.

Many of you have over and over said, "the only iApp I use is iTunes" Or "I really don't use many of the iApps."

If that is the case then why would Apple want to dump more money into making new version of these applications when you don't use them. It is a total waste of time and money on their part. So they say. Humm... iPhoto (not everyone uses), iMovie (is only good if you have a camera), and iDvd (requires a DVD burner and again a camera). Let the people that use them and love them, pay for a small upgrade fee. The other option for Apple is to just stop updating them. Guys you said it yourself. You don't use them!

It really makes perfect sense. I have an iMac with SuperDrive, but have yet to make a DVD or edit anything but a few quicktime movies. Two iApps I do not use! Will I buy the upgrade. Yes, because I soon plan to get a DVD Cam. And I will want to play with those Apps then. But if you don't use them, then there is no lose for you!

Quite being dumb. This step makes 100% perfect sense!

I have paid my iMac 1500€ ($1500) because I knew that, combined with my DSL connection, I could get plenty of quality freeware from Apple. This includes iTunes, in priority, but also Mail, TextEdit, AppleWorks etc.

All these applications have kept me from pirating Audion or Word, for instance.

The OS is expensive enough. The hardware is too. The Web services are too. If the software becomes $50/upgrade, I'll add a "Cracked Applications" folder to my Carracho server. Too bad for Apple.

But, as RacerX stated, I'm not really worried.