

Chmod 760
Staff member

by the Coding Monkeys.

I love this app.(And it's free for personal use, $35 for business).

A simple text editor. Perfect for manual coding. The reason I love it is mainly rendezvous editing. I've edited at work several documents with other people that were around Europe and in US, all on same document.

From SubEtha's own words: "SubEthaEdit is a powerful and lean text editor. And it's the only collaborative one you can actually use. By combining the ease of Rendezvous with the world's best text collaboration engine, it makes working together not only possible but even fun…
About this version
The new version adds some often requested features: A UNIX command line utility to enable complex and interactive pipe workflows with your terminal. Overhauled printing, including all bells and whistles, even with collaborative metadata. Exporting to HTML, again with metadata. Completely user customizable syntax highlighting through styles. Support for editing files as administrator. Improved AppleScript support to allow control of sharing features."

By interface, it's light, not bloated, simple.. well. Does all I want a code editor do, and it's not ugly for sure. This app was earlier called 'Hydra', but its name was changed to some old copyright reasons. Since I discovered this app, when the first version of Hydra came out, I have basically not used BBEdit any more. :)

You can download the app and try and then use it if you enjoy it from
I totally agree on SubEthaEdit. The rendezvous feature is the one feature that clinches it for me.
I like this one too. The sharing feature works over the internet too, and not just rendezvous. Great for long distance joint programming and idea discussion.
I agree, SubEthaEdit is a great application. Facillitates ExtremeProgramming when people cannot meet physically, and is just a heck of an editor as well.