Sum1 Please Help............


I was on MAC OS X and was bout 2 play this game....
it told me 2 put my display settings on the highest possible setting....
my dum ass 4got that when i do that it throws my monitor
i had 2 boot up from the 9 CD juss 2 switch the startup disk bak 2 9
so i could see the i cant figure out how 2 clear the preference change n MAC OS stuk in CLASSIC LAND until i can get this figured out....and i have sum stuff i can only do in X & need 2 get bak 2 it baaaaaad
help would be much appreciated.....even if u can juss tell me how
MAC OS X stores its preferences.....this is really startin 2 piss me off

thank u in advance
sum1 is not here right now.

I didn't bother to read the rest, it gave me a headache. Unless you're 10 and are trying to be "kewl", try typing normal.
whats so hard 2 read bout my type?
with all the geek jargon here i figure that would be
a piece of cake......what a way 2 welcome a new member....

simply put....
I switched my monitor settings 2 the highest res while in OS X.....
and now the screen is black so i cant see the screen......
says OUT OF SCAN RANGE......
when i rebooted from the OS 9 CD....i cant figure out how 2 clear my
monitor settings so itll go bak 2 default settings
im stuk in MAC OS 9 till i can fix this.....

2 EZ - Just reset P-RAM (let it reset a couple of times, makes me happy to hear all those bongs), then hold the 'X' key down so she'll boot straight to OSX, This may reset a couple of other settings, so check yer system prefs after rebooting. I just tried this on an 'illegal' vid setting, and it works.
h3||Z yA i c u r 2 |33† 4 |V|3

\/\/h0† i sHud 0ƒ sAiD \/\/úZ \/\/3L©0m3

(I think I'll go shoot myself now)
What game is having this problem?

If it's a Q3 variant, try putting this in your cfg file:
seta r_minDisplayRefresh "x"
seta r_maxDisplayRefresh "y"

Replace x and y with values your monitor can use. I use 0 and 75.
originally posted by DeltaMac
2 EZ - Just reset P-RAM (let it reset a couple of times, makes me happy to hear all those bongs), then hold the 'X' key down so she'll boot straight to OSX, This may reset a couple of other settings, so check yer system prefs after rebooting. I just tried this on an 'illegal' vid setting, and it works.

I cleared the PRAM......
and the res changed on the screen on OS 9.....
as well as the start up page for MAC OSX.....
(where the mini cd is spinning)
problem is when it goes beyond that 2 start up
the screen is dark
& goes bac 2 the OUT OF SCAN RANGE message
just a bigger OUT OF SCAN graphic now......

Only when i start up from the OS 9 CD and put
the startup disk bak on 9.2 can i see my comp again ......

I thought it would work as well....

originally posted by starfleetX
What game is having this problem?

If it's a Q3 variant, try putting this in your cfg file:

Replace x and y with values your monitor can use. I use 0 and 75.

Not a particular game, Its a monitor setting i did in X
before i was gonna play a game because the READ ME said the monitor
should be at the highest possible setting
so me not payin attention that it was 2 high 4 my monitor
actually put X on unuseable status thru that

can u elaborate on the process of messin with the config file a little better?
i need a text editor 2 do that right? (name of app please)..
ect ect

id like 2 learn more about every side of the comp
other than what i normally do on it
Im used 2 dong mostly

much love 2 both of u 4 puttin in effort 2 get this handled :)
Originally posted by Gate~Won
can u elaborate on the process of messin with the config file a little better?
i need a text editor 2 do that right? (name of app please)..
ect ect
Ah yes, well, this is only for games driven by the Quake 3 engine. If you have Quake 3, there should be a file in ~/Library/Application Support/Quake3/baseq3/ called q3config.cfg. Other games may have their own folders in Application Support. This is a plain text file generated by Q3. Simply drag it to TextEdit to open it. Search forthe two lines I described above and change them as necessary. If they aren't there, simply add them to the end of the file. Save. Re-launch Q3.

Some people need those lines because their monitor doesn't have the "smart vga" connection (I can't remember what it's called) where the monitor notifies the video card if it goes out of range.

This is also how 1337 Quakers tweak their configs to bust out mad framerates and ultra-custom key bindings. I've got mine lookin' real nice, but still pushing 100+ FPS. :cool:
How the HECK did you get 100+ FPS!! Thats unreal! What kind of video card you got and monitor? What res you running it in? I don't understand that code to change...Do you put in the res values you want? or some ratio? Would I be able to do this with UT?:eek:
Originally posted by JohnnyV
How the HECK did you get 100+ FPS!! Thats unreal!
Hee hee. I suppose this is a tad off-topic, but what the heck? :D

My Mac is a dual 500 G4 w/ AGP Radeon. It's certainly not brand new; so, the current Macs should easily break 100 also. I use 800x600 for Q3 and have just about everything custom set. For the standard timedemo "FOUR.dm_66" I just now got 106 FPS. Sometimes it'll idle down around 50 FPS under really heavy activity, but it'll easily hover around 260+ (300 maybe, it's hard to see the nubers change so fast) if I'm just staring at a wall. It all depepnds on your location and the number of sprites in your view.

How do I do it? First of all, Q3 is optimized for dual processors. My framerate literally is doubled with r_smp enabled. Also, like I said, I've tweaked everything off that I don't think I really need like "marks of walls", "high quality sky", "ejecting brass", etc. Now, the GUI only gives you optionsto modify these basic things. By editing the config by hand, you can change all sorts of things like disabling gibs, flares, doppler effects, stereo separation, the HUD, plasma and railgun and lightning style, trails, particles, memory allocations, amd lots of other things. The best way to learn is to just open up your config, read through it, and start changing things.

Now, there are a few key things that can give you significantly higher FPS. Here are a few things you can set to increase your speed:

seta r_dynamiclight "0" (disable dynamic lighting
seta r_fastsky "1" (use plain sky)
seta r_finish "0" (sync every frame off, may induce mouse lag)
seta r_picmip "1" (increase to 5 for serious speed gains, but textures... ick)
seta s_khz "11" (uses lower quality sound)
seta cg_brassTime "0" (disables ejecting brass from weapons)
seta cg_gibs "0" (disables body parts on ground)
seta cg_marks "0" (disables marks on walls)

Now, I don't necessarily have all those set in my config, but they are a starting point for ya' at least. If you're still interested, I can post my whole config here later. Meanwhile, I'd suggest checking out the forums if you want more info. They even have a Mac forum! Here's their Frequently Asked Questions thread which explains a lot about the config file and other things.

As for UT, I don't know because I don't have it. Though, I'm sure there must be some way to tweak it like you can Q3.

Cool, and Thanks. I don't have Q3, but plan to get it soon (was hoping to get it for Christmas, but oh well:rolleyes: ). I'll try playing around with my unreal configs. Thanks:D
Well, but most things you mentioned are rather important if you ask me. I mean, why disable dynamic lightning just to get some more FPS if you already are beyond the 27 the human eye can visualize? Guess it comes down to personal taste. I tweaked my Q3A so that it runs in 1600x1024 (Cinema Display) and completes the timedemo in more than 40 FPS average.

Oh, and to this freak, you want to learn something about your comp?
Then learn how to type "to" and "for"...thank you
Originally posted by ulrik
I mean, why disable dynamic lightning just to get some more FPS if you already are beyond the 27 the human eye can visualize?
You see, that's the kind of uninformed comment I really dislike. :eek:

The FPS you get from a timedemo is the average through the whole playback. It's important to realize that that framerate is not a constant. When there are more sprites on the screen and more polygons and textures loaded, the CPU and GPU demand skyrockets and thus the FPS sink like a rock. If your "average" is 40 FPS, then under heavy load you may sink to around 10 FPS or less. In a fast-paced game like Quake 3, if you're trying to react and see all that's going on in a 10 FPS environment, you're probably gonna be toast. Thus, that's why people are always pushing that psychological 100 FPS barrier; the higher their average FPS gets, the better their machine will handle intense games. At 100 FPS you are far less likely to visibly stutter under heavy fire. As I said, I too sink down to around 50 FPS in tough spots.

On a side note, have you ever tried the "excessive" mod? Load that up and start playing against people with the "machine gun speed rocket launcher" and I'll bet you'll quickly understand what I mean by the FPS dropping out under "heavy fire."

Now, I can easily distinguish between 40 and 60 FPS. Not all eyes are the same. Some people can notice differences upwards of 75 FPS. It's much like how some people are bothered by low-refresh rates on monitors and some aren't. To each his own.

As I had said before, "I don't necessarily have all those set in my config, but they are a starting point for ya' at least." I gave those as examples for JohnnyV to experiment with since he had apparently little to no experience with tweaking configs. True, different people have different tastes. That's why id included these as *options* for players.

Play it cool, bro. :cool:
THANK U 2 every1 that ACTUALLY TRIED 2 help me.......
its appreciated more than u know......
even if it didnt solve my problem.....
i ended up reinstallin OS X.....
but the CONFIG file shit is summn nice 2 know
Much Love

Originally posted by ulrik
Oh, and to this freak, you want to learn something about your comp?
Then learn how to type "to" and "for"...thank you

I tried being nice about it 2 that other asshole............
FUC OFF 2 both of u
(hows that 4 learnin 2 use my comp?)
like u cant decypher what i said juss cuz i used #s instead of letters....
