superdrive error reading cd-r's


i have a 2.16 Ghz intel macbook with a hl-dt-st dvdrw gsa-s10n superdrive with firmware bp08. everytime i insert a cd-r it is never recognized and is then ejected. i have tried cr-r's from different batch at friends houses with the same result but they were the same brand (memorex) it has recognized cd-rw from memorex. i was wondering if this problem is common or if there is a firmware update to fix it. thanks in advance to any help at all
I am having the same problem on my MacBook Pro 15.4", 2.16 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo with the same (HL-DT-ST DVDRW GWA4080MB super drive) and keeps spitting out blank CD's and blank DVD's and any type of optical disc inserted.

I can't even load firmware from Apple Download because instructions are to boot with a CD with the firmware on it.

Any answers you get are appreciated and please post this reply along with yours.

Clean the drive out with a CD lens cleaning disk. Plus take a compressed can of air (with the little straw attached) and tip the laptop at an angle and try to plow the dust out of it. Lastly Reset Your PRAM and it also might help, good luck.
Be warned on using the can of compressed air, you HAVE to keep it the right way up or you end up spraying liquid propellant into the computer. Use it in short busrts as well and you'll be fine. Its great stuff.