Superslow internet on ONE Mac only



I have a Powerbook that runs quickly on wireless. A (gasp!) PC that runs quickly via ethernet connection. And an older G4 that runs like a 1 legged dog via ethernet connection.

On the slow G4- I have run Techtools 4, which doesn't find anything wrong. I have run Norton Anti-Virus (version 10), which doesn't find anything wrong.
The slow G4 runs 10.3.9, the Powerbook runs 10.4. I am using Firefox 2 on both.

Can somebody help me figure out what is slowing this G4 down? To type even in a field such as this, the letters lag behind my typing. To load a typical web site takes 3-4 times as long as on either of the other connections. The ethernet connections are not daisy-chained. Both ethernet connections come out of a cable modem to a wireless router. I've tried switching the order on them, which didn't make a difference. Also, the G4 is usually the only cpu runnning. It's very rare for all 3 to be used at once.

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.
Take a look at Activity Monitor. Is something hogging the CPU? Is the main harddrive full?
Main hard drive has 5+ GB available (it's a 20GB HD). Firefox is usually used without any other program open, for concern that this was an issue. G4 has 384 MB of Ram as well.
Like fryke said, launch Activity Monitor, and sort the columns by CPU usage. Is there a process that is taking an abnormal amount of CPU time running (50% or more), and, if so, what's the name of that process?

Also, does this slow internet happen under all user accounts on the machine? Try creating a fresh, new user account, then log in under the new user. Does the machine still exhibit the same slowness?
activity monitor doesn't show anything out of the ordinary.

A new user had much faster speed. Weird though- I had to install Firefox for that user. Is that normal? All of my other programs appeared.

So does this mean my main user is corrupted or something?
Not necessarily.
Do you have anything specific to this user? 1000 fonts for that user only??
You could delete the caches for your main user, ~/Library/Caches (while FF is not running) and see if that would make any difference. That would be the fastest check.