Surge Protection


With a new Mac Book Pro; 23 inch separate screen; printer/scanner to operate in the UK hear I need to use a surge protector. However reading into it (very confusing) lots of negative comments on 'cheap' ones and the appropriateness of the warranty for my current needs. I am a mature Masters Student so my university assignments are very important to me and my new equipment is vital to my completion of the course.

Can anyone advise re UK suitable surge protection e.g which manufacturers are reliable and which warranties a new forum user (never done this before) please reply or point me in the right direction...thanks in advance I am sure someone will know more than I have been able to find out so far....
Seems to me that from your perspective, your best bet is to ask at the university for the name of the company that installs the computer equipment and peripherals, and then approach that company for advice.

While you're investigating, I would certainly advise you to consider a combined UPS + Surge Protector. Not cheap, but you have the added security of power supply for sufficient time to save your work and power down your computer safely.
Thanks...have already tried Uni for advice but as they use PC's not Macs and I need to use my computer mainly at home as a mature distance learning student they seem reluctant to provide advice...they consider it a more 'personal' issue! Re the UPS....I am using a laptop which has its own integral battery so the only advice I have had so far actually relates to this aspect of my question and that is that I shouldn't need a UPS unit?
Any more feedback gratefully recieved.....thanks
I would save up for the UPS. You can also plug your alarm clock and desk lamp into it for those early classes. It wasn't that long ago I remember how bad dorm power was when I went to school. It even was an expense private school too.

On a side note your your Mac as an iTunes alarm clock by getting the free Alarm Clock.
Okay, I did some checking with knowledgeable folk yesterday and the advice was APC brand. Not the cheapest, but the best. I looked at a Thor brand UPS with built-in surge protector but it was described euphemistically as "entry level".

I use Arlec brand power peripherals and none have failed as yet. Having said that, we don't experience much power surge in my area and should a lightning storm arrive, I power off and disconnect all sensitive electronic gear from the wall socket. If and when you do buy a surge protector, make sure it's one with a clearly visible operating light because if that light fails it is almost certain to indicate a failure of the s-p itself.

Noting your response, power surge should not be an issue for you if you're only using your laptop battery as the power source. If you're recharging your battery at the same time as you're using it with the laptop, the charger would be the more likely to suffer from a power surge. However, for double-strength protection, I dare say a s-p would help.
Thanks for your reply investigations have lead me to conclude that an APC unit is the way forward.....lot of negative posts in various places about the reliability of Belkin Products (which seem to have corned the home computer market in the UK) and I can only gauge my research on what I have found....

I am pretty sure that in the UK we don't require a UPS for a the saving up isn't quite so arduous though we still get power spikes etc even on a large residential estate near London......not sure what effect these have on the home computers...but with what I had read I didn't want to take a chance......

Thanks for the replies and the Alarm Clock link is really great...will pass it on the Uni friends.....they seem to need it!
Sorry for the late reply…very grateful for your reply…it was very helpful….I had also found that APC were well recommended (it was nice to have it confirmed by someone else…this field is very new to me….) and I have now found my way through their product range available in the UK ….though have to say in the retail outlets Belkin seems to have cornered the market…pity their reviews do not stand up to the test……

Obviously I hope I never need to implement this research once I have purchased the surge protection but its peace if mind to know I did it….

Thanks for the input and time guy’s….I am very grateful….

As a first time forum user the experience was very rewarding…. I will use again as I am sure to experience the need for more advice in the future…
