Well, here are my rants:
its too slow
its carbon
its bulky
you still can't do things in it I can do with my performa running os8 - like lable folders, and have those lovely Spring Loaded folders.
Heck, you can't even right click on the desktop to change the background!
Also, clicking on the menu app which changes monitor resolutions and selecting 'Open Monitors....' does not work. WTF apple? Seriously, these things could be done in like 5 mins if they wanted to do them. This is so stupid imo.
Ok, so making the finder multithreaded and cocoa takes more than 5min...
Also, I want two docks as well. I also want window snapshots back. needs a few more things as well.. like a drop down Function key menu like MacSSH has (os9 secure shell client).
Netinfo needs documentation mucho.
We need a better stock config of lookupd.
The lock/unlock deal with trash items needs an easy solution - like an option when you empty the trash to remove locked items as well. Heh then whats the point of locked items

finder windows need to open scrolled to the TOP. Sometimes they don't in directories with lots of files. This is really annoying.
More apple-applications need to show the way in cocoa development. Not carbon-lazyness. Itunes uses incredable amounts of cpu and ram to do things mpg123 can do with 1% cpu and 2megs of ram. (command line mp3 player). More apps need contexual menus in the dock.
speaking of the dock,
we need more functionality here. Like the ability to control-click on any app and force quit it. Maybe a few cascading menus for that "force quit --> are you sure --> yes". And why can't we close windows from the dock? un-docking docked windows just to close them is so stupid.. (but I'm not at my osx box, so if this has been fixed, forgive me).
And we need to be able to adjust the bouncing icon stuff. DockDetox is a step in the right direction for sure.
Keys need more support too. So we can tab between buttons, and use menus without the mouse. the current supported method is utterly stupid. You have to press WAY too mant things to , say open an item in the dock, or press 'don't save' in a save dialoge.
ok thats it. Apple, osx rocks, but it still feels beta-ish and childish. Add more stuff!!!